Chapter 9

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Evelyn snapped back to present time, Cara and Lauren screaming in the canopy next to her. Somehow, Connor, Ant, Zach, and Pip had all slipped out. Evelyn stuck her head out of the tent as she saw the faint glow of a flashlight in the distance. Assuming it was everyone who had left the canopy, she made her way over.

"What happened?" Evelyn asked as she jogged up to Connor.

"What do you mean 'what happened'?" Connor asked her bewildered.

"I just, um, sort of blacked out for a second," Evelyn murmured.

"It was just some weirdo," Connor explained.

"Does said weirdo have a stalking kink?" She laughed, her eyes meeting Connor's. In the same second, Connor knocked into  another branch. "Not your lucky day, I see."

"Guess not," Connor grunted, grabbing Evelyn's hand to make sure they didn't lose each other in the dark. As the flashlight slowly dimmed, the only source of light they now had was the dim light in the canopy. A loud screech broke the silence, causing Evelyn and Connor to start running toward the screaming.

"Why aren't you guys in the canopy?" Ant asked, Evelyn and Connor finding Lauren and Cara gripping onto each other.

"Because we thought we heard something," Lauren said, her voice shaking.

Connor and Evelyn had made their way into the canopy, Zach, Ant, and Pip following them in not too far behind. Evelyn quickly got into her sleeping bag, hoping she could sleep the unwanted memories away.

"So, no Ouija Board tonight?" Ant jokes.

"Shut up. I'm trying to sleep."

"I feel like we should talk about what happened before we go to sleep," Lauren offered.

"No need to," Evelyn said.

Everyone had climbed into their respective sleeping bags, heavy breathing and the sound of rain being the only sounds.

"What the hell?" Pip said from across the canopy, a piece of paper in her hand as she stormed over to the boys.

"Do you think this is funny?" Pip asked, her head now turned down at them. "You are unbelievable."

"What are you talking about?" Ant squinted at her. Evelyn now sat up to try and assess the situation.

"This not you left me." Pip hissed, trying to keep her voice down.

"I didn't leave you a note," Ant said, reaching for the paper.

"You expect me to believe that?" Pip jerked back. "Was this whole stranger-in-the-woods thing a setup too? Part of your jokes? Who was it? Your friend George?"

"No, Pip," Ant stared at her. "Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about. What does it say?"

"Oh, spare me," Pip said. "Connor, anything to add?"

"Pip, you think I would have chased that pervert so hard if it was a stupid prank? We didn't plan anything, I promise. Also, Cara and Lauren were here. I also was back with Evelyn so I have an alibi."

"You're saying neither of you left me this note?"

They both nodded.

"You're so full of shit," Pip said, turning back to her sleeping bag.

"Honestly, Pip, we didn't," Connor said.

Once Pip had finished clambering into her sleeping bag, Evelyn turned to her. "What's it say?"

Pip turned to Evelyn, sitting up on one elbow as she handed the note over.

Stop digging, Pippa.

"Printer paper," Evelyn mumbled. "This person must be a punctuation freak, because if I was in a hurry to do this, I wouldn't have punctuated."

"Hm," Pip rolled the idea around.

"Maybe a teacher," Evelyn suggested. "Maybe we can look at it some other time."

"Yeah," Pip whispered, putting her hand out for Evelyn to place the paper back into, rolling back over once she'd secured it.

I just laid it out for her, she better catch on or I'm losing hope for her, Evelyn thought.

Pip turned back to Evelyn. "Still, don't you think it's weird? How did someone sneak in here, without making it a sound, while Cara and Lauren were right here?"

"You have to take into consideration Lauren and Cara's current state," Evelyn said, propping her head on her hand.

"Black out drunk." Pip nodded.

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