The Beginning.

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Britney's Pov

I walk around the Broski headquarters, dreadfully thinking about how I have to look for a dress for the ball. I still have no date for the ball "How embarrassing" I thought out loud. My friend Harry Styles walked around the corner "Hello love. Have you found a date for the ball yet? I'll be happy to take you" Harry said to me.
"No I haven't Harry, and I will most definitely not go with you." I responded in an aggravated tone. "Woah love, no need to get aggressive" He said in his thick British accent. "I'm sorry Harry" I continued "I'm just very frustrated right now. I haven't found a dress yet or a date!" I raised my voice in frustration. "No need to get so frustrated you'll find someone, now if you excuse me I have to go." Harry said hugging me, as he left in a hurry. I let out a huff of frustration covering my face. I decided it's time to go look for a dress, I grab my keys and jump in my bright pink santa sled. "Let's go bitches" I yell to the rain deer.

Time skip

I get to the dress shop and park my sled. I walk into the shop "Hello honey!" said a kind voice belonging to a fragile old lady. "Hello miss" I said back sweetly, as I started to pick out dresses for the ball. "May I have a dressing room?" I say in a polite voice, she nodded and unlocked one for me. I stepped into the room and sighed, I scanned the dresses trying to think what one would suit me best. All I can think about is the thought of being the only person there without a date, I let out a frustrated sigh as I grab a dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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