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whole fic is from Sammy's pov 😼

i was up late scrolling in my phone since I really had nothing better to do, looking at Instagram reels, looking at the wild comments on some and also commenting some wild shit myself. Besides, I didn't have any books to read since I recently finished the last one I bought which I already forgot. So, here I was, swiping and being some motherfucker on Instagram with nothing else to do. After a while of scrolling it got to the point where I've seen car crash videos, "would you slap him for 3 billion dollars?" videos, hell, even videos regarding me and my friends life. and right as I was scrolling down, I seen it. an Instagram hoe. She made a pretty risqué video, and as a male you know what I had to do. Click on her profile and scroll a little while. One post, however, made me.. excited. clearly very bad timing. I didn't really know what to do. I kinda just.. lid down there, seduced by this random ass hoe I scrolled to. At this point, I could do 2 things. 1, wait it out, or 2, take it to my computer and keep looking at this random insta hoe. For some reason I decided to go with option 2 which wasn't the best because I know DAMN WELL that someone would inspect my search history. Eh, whatever. A guy's gotta do what he's gotta do. I logged onto my computer and opened the fuckers account, and scrolled. I don't even know how many videos she had, but she had enough to keep me watching her for at least an hour. And then the door creaked open. I immediately shut off my monitor thinking it was Suzy or someone else, I know, classic move that gets you in more shit than you can get for doing it, but it's.. I guess a thing between everyone on the planet. Fortunately it was just Max, I don't think he seen what was on my computer so I'm sure I'm ok. "Sammy? What were you doing on the computer?" I had to think of something quick. "oh... uhhh... I was.. just looking at something, nothing much. heh." he raised his eyebrow in suspicion. Well guess I fucked myself over pretty good cause he came over and turned on the damn monitor. "HEY! WHA- MAX REALLY?!?" "Oh I see. Looking at hot chicks, huh?" " ..yeah..." trying to hide my shame wasn't easy, but thankfully he understood. " want some help with that?" "yeah." I did need some help though. I couldn't just wait it out like this any longer, besides it was getting to the point where I was in pain down there. like, alot of pain. "Here, I'll help ya. How long have you been here for?" "I think an hour." "Damn, that long?" "Yeah." he slowly took off my pants "I haven't done anything like this before." he fixed his eyes to mine "you sure you want some help?" I thought about it. Did I need the help? Yes. Did I actually want to do this? Worth a shot. "Although this will lead to consequences, I'm sure of it." 'Oh goddamnit rip off my pants and help me already.' repeated in my head, but I knew I'd have to wait. he slowly dropped my pants and boxers to the floor, releasing the buildup of seduction left. "huh, bigger than I ever imagined. Anyway.. " slowly putting his mouth on my *meat stick,* I felt this strange, cold static shock go through my body, strange but also.. pleasureful? I can't quite describe it. what also felt strange but nice was his teeth on my thing. He started going a little faster while I grunted a little during it. He spat it out a little after. "that help a little?" "yh... yeah.. can you keep going, though?" "yep." he put my thing in his mouth again and went a little faster than this time. 'Who knew one of my best friends would be giving me head in the middle of the night?' I thought to myself. It is rather strange to think about if you really did want to. he paced back and forth with it a little quicker every few minutes, everytime I felt like climaxing even though I knew it wouldn't be a good situation for both of us. "looks like your gonna blow any minute now." he said it and stupidly lusting tone that I didn't like but at the same time was also kind of.. I don't exactly know how to word it. "even if I do, it wouldn't be the best situation for either of us." " you do have a point.. but.. you know there's a reason we can swallow shit, right?" he wasn't implying that he was... oh, gross. But he did have somewhat of a point. And then he went at it again. But much faster to the point where I was going to climax. And I evidently did. What we didn't realize is that we left the door open. And volt was there, recording the whole. fucking. thing. "oh shit-! max!" "hu- VOLT, REALLY!?" The blue motherfucker smirked a shit eating grin. "Ha! I'm gonna show Suzy what you two lovebirds were doing!" me and max ran after him and of course he was too fast for either of us. "YOU LITTLE SHIT- GET BACK HERE!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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