Chapter 1

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My name is Melda. Melda Rivera. I messed up my father's legacy. I lost my family and everything I cared about. Even my unborn baby. Only because I dint listen. Only because I desperately accepted whatever love was thrown my way. I had to die inside just to breath...


"Wh-what?!" The word barely managed to pass through her throat as a stuttering whisper

"I said get the fucking outta here, I don't wanna see you!" He yelled through gritted teeth not even trying to control himself. Not even pretending to be nice like before. He decided to drop his façade and dropped it hard, right into her face, that the sound of her broken heart could be heard. Literary!

"No! - she cried- please, our baby?!"

"What fucking baby Melda? What fucking baby! I don't know shit about it. So leave before I lose it and God help me coz I don't wanna lose it. SO LEAVE!! NOW!!"

She slowly got on her knees, making him scoff just thinking of how pathetic she looked

She placed her hands together close to her mouth looking at him with tear filled eyes, with nothing but begging for mercy, begging not to be thrown away like trash and at this point she knew just how pathetic she looked and sounded but couldn't care at the least

"Don't do this to me! - She choked on her words which continue to break every second- my father will be disappointed in me. My brothers will be more disappointed because they trusted me- she sniffed feeling unbearable pain in her chest almost making it hard for her to breathe- Please don't... don't do this to me!"

He looked at her in return, not saying anything. His eyes were bearers of 'no mercy' "I don't give a shit about your damned father or brothers. So what if I had some fun and got you pregnant? I don't fucking care!! Look at me, do I look like I give a fuck in the world?!"

He crouched to her, placed his hands on her arms and slowly lifted her up. Once fully up, he wiped her tears with both thumbs as a small smile began donning on her lips. A ray of hope "Okay, let's go explain to them we love each other then we'll see what happens next, okay?" He asked cooing her like a little baby. Wiping her tears some more with his thumbs as he softly caressed her cheeks giving her a small smile

From the cries, she dint want to speak much just nodded and let him lead her like a lost puppy. All she cared about then was that he was coming around. They will be happy together, especially with the little bundle forming inside her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and he walked her till he opened the door. He let her move out first till they got downstairs to the limo and her patiently waiting driver

He embraced her placing a soft kiss on her forehead then...pushed her to the ground where she fell on the mud her clothes, hands and face got mud all over. His actions caused the passersby stop from their business and began whispering. She looked up only to see people looking at her, she turned her head to him finding him with a serious face, no expression, no emotion. He was all cold that she shuddered to her core wandering where did this coldness come from? Is it the pregnancy? Her innocent little baby that just began forming inside her?

"I told you once- he crouched to her as a perfectly curved cruel smirk formed on his lips as he whispered dangerously- I don't fucking care! Get up! Get lost! Never come back!" Stood with his perfect gait and walked away from her completely ignoring all the camera clicks that snapped every second

She wiped her face with her arm, only to hear gasps from the people around her. And why not? She was the daughter of the most renowned tycoon in the country. She was thrown to the mud at the mercies of a mere man who dint even spare her the last ounce of dignity and respect and even worse, it was all gotten on camera so before she gets home, her father will be on her throat. She gave him one last look still begging for mercy but was long gone got up quickly got in her limo after ordering her driver to go back to their mansion

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