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July 15th, 2017

nesas pov:

It was saturday but not any random saturday. It was nesas quinceanera, after planning and all the stress she went through it was finally here, but most importantly she was excited to see her one and only best friend.


or so she thought.

"ricky! mira esto!" nesa had yelled from the other side of the venue.

ricky came running to see what nesa was yelling about only to see her smiling about her silver crown. 

ricky was only 1 year older then nesa so he was 16. ricky and nesa were like twins, they both liked having all the attention for themselves, were failing school, and had quite a repuation for themselves at school. ricky was known for his tatoos, and being in a gang while nesa was known for being the finest girl at school, and being a plug at one point. but something they were both known for was there father.

juan velasquez.

juan or better known as "juanito" had shot nesas ex for cheating on her about 3 months ago. the whole school found out about it the next day. their father was also known for being a dealer and getting out of prison.

not such a good look. we know.

"te miras guapa por la primera vez" he said while laughing.

"no mames wey!" 

nesa looked down at her phone and decided to text nick.

- nicky boo boo 😜🤭

nesa 👅👅: are you almost hereee

nesa 👅👅: ??

nicky boo boo😜🤭: for whatt

nesa 👅👅: umm for my quince

nesa 👅👅: i literally been telling you everydayy

nicky boo boo 😜🤭: oh

nesa 👅👅: wym oh???

read at 2:47 pm.

vanessa: hello?

vanessa: nick

vanessa: bro

vanessa: really???

vanessa: ur weird



what you guys think so far 🤔🤔

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