How did I,CASSI end up here?

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this is so emotional.

I was born at a really young age,i had to learn to walk BY MYSELF,i had to learn to eat BY MYSELF!

I put in so much effort,id say,IM A VERY INDEPENDANT PERSON.RIGHT?!

well apparently my father thought i was in some coccon?A COCOON?BRO ITS 2024,IM GENZ,AINT NO WAY A COCCON IS ECONOMICAL?!like  what even-

She had been priviledged all life,living in a bubble her parents made,it wasnt necessarily her fault,that she had no touch with the realities of the real world,yet,she had no control over one thing,money.

Usually kids get pocket money or something to hold on,Cassi wasnt given any,she would get whatever she asked for eventually,but only after a tiring conversation with her father,her father,someone who asked her to be independant,yet at the  very instance she showed she can be independant,he gaslit her into thinking it was merely because of his backing,an classic helicopter parent who refuses to admit his child is a grown woman.She had only grown to dislike her father,her mother was spineless,whatever her father said she agreed.

She was considered lucky,modern chaebol,richest in korea,but she always felt so lost,she wanted control,she craved it,more than anything.yet it was like what people were jealous of her:"Oh Cassi?she's so rich her family is loaded!" she wanted to scream,DO YOU THINK ITS EASY?every day was a battle for little words,as her doctor had quoted:"depression and anxiety at lack of control" she was much like her father,she wanted control over everything,yet failed to get out of the grasp of the one thing she wanted to leave.

While other's family was a source of comfort,hers was the cause of all her sadness.

Privileged yet unprivileged at the same time,she felt like a scammer at times,playing the part of the rich girl,sure her family was,but..what was she.

Yet the thought of stepping away,scared her,another biproduct of her father's gaslighting.

Desperate to leave his clutches,yet Desperate to stay,she didnt understand her thoughts,she was angry,but she didnt know who to aim it at.She was 21,she could leave if she wanted.....but she chose to a coccoon,a butterfly unable to grow,stagnant and still.

She walked with thoughts in her head,she had bunked her classes,she was a university student,and this.....had become common,disinterest in her life,reality,made her want to run away,be impulsive.After all her biggest fear was being boring.

She walked through the korean streets,she noticed things she wouldnt have noticed from her car window,she..had missed out,she saw the highschoolers in the ttoekboki stand,adults in the small stores drinking soju,she walked to han river and lied down,why was she like this.unable to take a decision or change.....


She smacked her face with her hands and got up,walked to a ttoekboki center,it didnt matter if she was alone,she........would live.properly.out the coccon,she would become a butterfly.

Just as she was crossing the road to the stand,a white truck hit,she felt the world go dark,people gasped,people yelled,people moved on,as she lay on the cold winter ground,unable to raise her hand,oh how fickle life was,and she smiled and said:"well shit."

Her head ached when she woke up,she sat up.

'Huh,that's weird,pretty sure I was banged up real bad....."

She touched her head,soft bangs....."huh,oh guess IM ok......."


she paused.


She got up in haste,noticing her arms were thinner,did she starve,did her hair grow in time oh....SHE MUSTVE BEEN IN COMA!WOW LIKE ONE OF THOSE KDRAMAS?kinda cool..MC moment lol.

She giggled at that but paused when she reached the mirror,her eyes wow,how were her eyes this big!even years of surgery could never bring this result!GLOW UP!

Wait no.this .......wasnt her face.....perfect soft brows,long lashes,high nose and small yet soft and full lips,delicate face and structure,striking amber eyes,they looked like liquid honey.Her long auburn hair delicately fell to her shoulders,her face was framed with soft wispy bangs,like it was carved for her,this......was not her body.

The woman she stared at the mirror was incredibly beautiful,abosolutely breathtaking,her almost seducing yes when she looked down and innocent doe like eyes when she looked up....OMG.

she had transmigrated to a manhwa,becasue in no way.was this woman real.

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