Chapter 49

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September 17, 2024

I woke up the next morning feeling so hesitant, to the point that I don't want to get up anymore because there is a handsome man who smells so good lying in front of me.

However, in the back of my mind, I know that I still have to get up because I have a lot of things to do. I actually woke up early to make the design for our booth.

I slowly got up from bed so he wouldn't wake up, and then I left the room. I chose to stay in the living room, and I started doing my task.

As per the design of the booth, I was thinking of something cute and colorful, but I also thought that it might be too much.

Should I go for pastel colors? or neutral? or variation of green?

In the end, I just chose them all. I'll just let the customers choose and customize their own design. I think that is more feasible since it can also cater to the customer's preferences.

I stopped when it was 7 o'clock because I have a class at 8:30 in the morning. Meanwhile, Zeke is still sound asleep in his room.

After I showered, I cooked a quick breakfast. I just fried some eggs, bacon, and sausages. I also took out his bread for toast.

I was in the middle of toasting the bread when his door suddenly opened. I gasped when I saw him come out.

He looks so cute, like a little kid rubbing his eyes, and at the same time, he looks so hot. I was immediately satisfied with what I saw.

Oh, my god! He looks so freaking hot right now. I can't with that messy hair, those toned abs, and those biceps that can rip me in two.

Calm down, Elijah. You just did it last night. Wait until next week for the next one.

"Good morning," I greeted him.

"Why are you so early?" he asked, and he came to hug me from behind.

"I created the design for our booth," I answered.

"Hmm," he said, sniffing my neck.

"You can eat now," I said.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed because he bit me on my shoulder.

"What? You said I could eat," he said.

"Aish! You're so annoying," I said, gritting my teeth.

"You're so cute," he said, pinching my cheeks.

"Stop it!" I exclaimed while brewing his coffee.

"Wow! I'm being spoiled here," he said.

"Lucky, right?" I ask.

"Super," he said, and I chuckled.

After so many cheesy lines, we finally finished eating. He's now in the bathroom, taking a bath, while I'm preparing my things for school.

He said he'll drive me to school today, and he'll go back home right after because his class is in the afternoon.

Then, while I was busy putting all my notes in my bag, I suddenly thought of something out of nowhere.

I wonder if what we're doing is enough for him. The sex, I mean.

We've been having the same oral sex for months, and I'm wondering if it still suffices for his needs. I mean, I can still see him enjoying it whenever we're doing it, but what if it gets to the point where he gets tired of it and wants to do something else or something more?

Fuck! Is it really him who feels that way? Is it really his needs that are not being fulfilled? Am I just gaslighting myself when, in fact, it's really me who wants to do that thing?

To be honest, I've been researching how to do it safely and properly. I found out that it will take a lot of effort to do it, especially on my end.

Then, I suddenly thought of what Cal said the other day. He asked me once if Zeke and I had done it already, and now I'm wondering if they did, because if they did, then I should ask him later for some tips.

I believe in first-hand data or information from someone who has already had experience. They can tell it to you firsthand.

"Give me five more minutes," he said when he got out of the shower.

"It's okay. It's still early," I said.

"I love you," he said.

"Tsk! Why are you so random? Anyway, I love you too," I smilingly replied.

"Do you want to dress me?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Now you're being such a baby," I said.

"Yeah, your baby," he said as he opened the door.

"Argh! Cringe!" I said.

"Please?" he asks, twinkling his eyes.

"No! Hurry up now. I don't want to get late," I said.

"Psh," he said, closing the door.

I chuckled because I know he's like this only to me. His childish side only comes out when he's with me.

When he finished, he went out of his room and took his keys on the counter while I took my bag and other things. He then opened the door and waited for me to come out first.

After closing it, he took my things from me and carried them all the way to the parking lot.

We arrived 10 minutes early before my class started. Then he kissed me on the cheeks, and I also did it to him.

By this time, I no longer feel shy or embarrassed around people who could see the two of us. I just got used to them looking at me and talking about me. Sometimes I also see people rolling their eyes at me because they're angry that I'm walking beside Zeke.

I can't blame them if they like him.

"I'll go now. Give me a text when you get home," I said.

"I will," he said.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you more," he said.


"Good morning," someone said, and I turned to look at her.

Oh, I remember her. She's the girl who approached me during our enrollment. She even admitted that she has a crush on Zeke.

"Claire," I said, smiling.

"Oh, thank god you remember me. It would be pretty embarrassing if you didn't," she said, chuckling.

"Of course, I remember you," I said.

"How are you?" she asks.

"Oh, I'm good. How about you?" I ask.

"I'm super busy for the event next week," she said.

"Aren't we all?" I replied, chuckling.

"Anyway, what will you guys do?" I ask.

"Jail booth," she answered.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief.

This is getting interesting. An auction and a jail booth? Hmm.

"Yeah, for real," she answered.

"How does it work?" I ask.

"Well, someone will file a complaint, and we will find them. Then, if we see them, we will capture that person and put them in jail," she explained.

"That is interesting. What do they need to do to be free?" I asked.

"Oh, it's pretty simple. They just have to obey the command ofthe person who complained to them," she said.

"Hmm, I think it'll be a hit next week," I said.

"I hope so. How about your organization?" she asks.

"Ours is a photobooth," I said.

"Oh, that's nice. You can count on me for that," she said.

I chuckled before saying, "Wow! We already have our first customer."

"Of course," she said, chuckling as well.

"You should come to our booth too if you have time. You might want to put someone in jail," she said.

"Hmm, let me think about it," I said.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you there. Anyway, this is our building. I'll go now, Eli," she said while waving her hand.

"Take care," I said, waving as well.

I got to the room on time. I texted Zeke that I was already in class, and not long after, our professor arrived.

"Good morning, everyone," he said as he entered the room.

"Good morning, sir," we said back.

"Why does he sound so sad?" my seatmate whispered.

"Yeah, he does sound sad," I said, because he usually greets us lively.

"I have the results of our first quiz, and I must say I am quite disappointed," our professor said.

"Oh, my god. Is that why he's not in a good mood?" my seatmate asks.

Our professor sighed first before he said, "Most of the class didn't pass, and only a few managed to get a score of average. Tell me what does it mean?"

The class fell silent, and no one tried to answer his question.

"Mr. Sarmiento?" he called.

"Sir?" I nervously said.

"Care to tell me?" he asks.

Oh, my god! Why me? I don't want to answer it.

"Surely you know the answer to this," he said.

No, sir. I don't know how to answer you.

"Uhm... it just means that we didn't listen well enough to your lecture, and that is why we didn't pass the quiz," I said nervously.

"You are correct and, at the same time, wrong," he said.

I wondered what he meant. Right but wrong? Huh?

"You aced the quiz, Mr. Sarmiento," he said.

"Oh, my god," I said to myself.

"I guess no more surprise quizzes? Is that how it should be? Should I say that there will be a quiz for you guys to study?" he sarcastically asked.

"Does this mean only Mr. Sarmiento listened to my lecture last time? How about the rest?" he added.

"Oh, my god! Can we just move on?" I heard the person next to me whisper, but not to me but to the one next to him.

"I know you guys are wondering why I am doing this., right? What is the point of all this, sir? Why do you have to give us a sermon?" he said.

"Well, come to think of it, it's true. I should just let it go because I'll still get paid if you all fail. It's not my money that you're paying for your tuition. Why do I even have to bother myself by giving you a sermon?" he added.

"My point here is for you guys to absorb all the learning you can get because it will be useful to you in the future. Make use of the facilities, equipment, and professors to gain all the knowledge you need so that, in the real world, all of you will be equipped," he explained.

"Once again, congratulations to Mr. Sarmiento. Keep it up," he added.

We proceeded with the discussion after his sermon, and I think this time everyone listened.

When we finished with our class, I went out because I was going to submit the design for decorations that I had made earlier. I still need to get it approved.

I also texted Zeke that I would go there first before going to the cafeteria.

"Jaimee, here's the bathroom design," I said, handing the folder to her.

"Oh, you made one already?" she said, taking the folder.

"Wow! This is so good," she said.

"I'm glad you like it," I said.

"For sure, this will be approved by the dean, but I'll still let you know their feedback," she said.

"Okay, I'll get going now," I said.

"Yeah, thank you so much, Elijah," she said.

After that, I went straight to the cafeteria to meet my friends. I waved at Zeke when I saw him at our table. He did the same, and he gave me a smile.

Hmm, it's so good to be alive.

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