ᘜOOᗪ ᖴOᖇ YOᑌ

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Harry was standing in front of Hermione after she asked him to meet her after dinner so they can talk about "The War" and something else she won't tell him. For everyone who doesn't know what's going on Harry has been ignoring his two best friends who have been there for him through thick and thin and his girlfriend who has been trying to talk to him for the past two months. Harry has only talked to them about the war, Ron with strategies, Hermione with planning exit routes and entrance routes and his girlfriend about sending her to the Grimmauld Place to keep her safe. Apart from that he never talked to them, he never went to Three Broomsticks with them anymore, never studied with Hermione, he was barely even in the same room as them! Only now after two months of being ignored they have finally (Hermione) had enough with how Harry is acting and stands up. This is what happens...

Harry entered the vacant classroom where 'Mione asked him to meet her to talk about something that she won't tell him unless he comes. He looks around for a second and finally spots Hermione staring outside a window with a clenched fist at the side of her skirt. He walks up to her and speaks.

"Hey 'Mione, you said you wanted to talk to me about something?" He asked raising a hand to scratch the back of his head thinking this is about him not studying for his classes.

Hermione turned around and is about to talk when Harry cuts her off stating that. "Oh right! We might need to cut this conversation short as I'm heading to Three Broomsticks with the others to celebrate their success in training."

Hermione just nodded before walking up to face him face to face with an angry expression but her eyes show hurt and betrayal. She opens her mouth and...

'So You Found a Place Where the Grass is "Greener"'

Harry started stuttering wondering what Hermione is talking about and why is she talking about green grass.

'And You Jumped the Fence to the Other Side'

Harry butted in saying. "Hermione what are you talking about? If this is just a waste of time I'm just gonna go." He was getting annoyed that she wasn't just getting to the point already, he had plans and wanted this to hurry up.

Hermione walked forward and poked Harry on the chest before asking.

'Is it Good? Are They Giving You a World I Could Never Provide?"

Harry starting to understand that maybe Hermione is just jealous that he hasn't been hanging around her more than he is with the others, he was about to say something but Hermione cut him off with pushing him to the ground and crouching down to then say.

'Well I Hope You're Proud of Your Big Decision'

She walked away from him to let him stand up. Hermione walked to the window again and sat on the windowsill and crossed her arms and legs.

'Yeah I Hope It's All You Want and More~'

Harry was going to walk towards her but she used her wand to place a charm on him to stop him and started to walk towards HIM instead.

'Now You're Free! From the "Agonising" Life You Were Living Before'

She walked up to him and undid the charm and gave him a photo of him, Ron, Hermione and Dahlia all together before all this happened.

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