𝟎𝟎𝟐 ⭑ ( SO WHY DID IT CHANGE ) .ᐟ

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YOU SAT UP, rolling your neck and popping your fingers as you did. There was no noise and the air felt lifeless, which was confirmation that you were not in the Human dimension, but in the 'Idle Dimension' as you called it, after the shadow creatures that roamed aimlessly and the fact that time was frozen for 7 hours. You pushed the thick blanket that covered you aside, stood up and stretched to release the tension in your joints from sleeping on a school bus seat.


The sky was a deep red hue, giving the scene an eerie, unsettling atmosphere. However, you felt no sense of fear. Instead, you found the contrast between the grey of the clouds, the red of the sky and the yellow full moon to be visually pleasing. Suddenly, you remembered that the moon was typically only a crescent and not a full moon. You took a deep breath in and out, trying to calm yourself down, maybe things really can change here.

But why? Why was the moon full when it should only be a crescent? These questions began to swirl in your mind, leaving you with more uncertainty and confusion than before.

As you left the graveyard and strolled past a horde of shadow monsters, you wondered how they got there. Were they once human? Did they form from some kind of substance, or were they a result of a science experiment that went terribly wrong? Regardless of their origin, you were glad that they weren't trying to harm you.

The thought of them attacking had initially terrified you, but now you felt a strange sense of comfort in their presence. You continued to walk, your hands in your pockets, nothing else looked different, so everything should be—


The sudden noise caught you off guard, causing you to jump and clutch your chest, feeling your heart skip a beat. You had never heard a noise in the Idle dimension before, and the sound of someone stepping on a twig caught you completely off guard.

A familiar stinging feeling poked at your head, and as you slowly turned your body to face the noise, you saw a girl standing in the distance, her long twin carrot-coloured braids flowing behind her.

"What is this place?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. "Where am I?" You tried to speak but found that instead of words, all that came out was a gasp as you felt your body being yanked forward. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, your breath coming in short, sharp sips as you tried to make sense of what was happening.


A sudden burst of warm light blinded you, forcing you to shield your face with your hands and reach blindly for the curtains in order to block out the jarring sight. As the curtains slowly closed, you winced, still feeling the brightness of the light burning into your retinas.

Once the light was blocked, you opened your eyes and looked at your familiar room, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. But as moments passed and the realisation of what had just happened set in, that sense of relief quickly dissipated, replaced by a feeling of uncertainty and confusion.

Did you just switch dimensions, or was it all just a dream? And if it was real, how could it be possible that Ashlyn was there too?

The thought of your experience was like a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, it never wanted to let go. Despite everything seeming to go back to normal for the weekend, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that filled you, like something was off.

For 3 years, there hadn't been a single break in the cycle. Every night, at exactly midnight, you would find yourself waking up in a different dimension, with a crescent moon, blood-red sky, and creatures seemingly made of tar-like substance. This would go on for 7 hours before you would wake back up.

Same time, every night.

So why did it change?

So why did it change?

So why did it change?

So why did it change?


Even on Monday, you were immersed in your music, completely lost in thought, when a sudden jerk and the rippling sound of the music being pulled out of your ears suddenly brought you back to reality.

You quickly turned to see who was responsible, and your eyes narrowed at the sight of the guy who had just yanked your earbuds out of your ears. Sadly, your super senses only worked when you were only semi-distracted.

"What the—?" you started to say, before being interrupted by Aiden suddenly pulling a sheet of paper out of thin air. It was the same pink slip you had gotten rid of on Friday, crinkled and slightly torn, but it was fully signed by both parents. You stared at it in disbelief, your mouth hanging open in shock.

"How the actual f-" you started to say before Aiden interrupted you.

"Don't ask," he said, grinning from ear to ear. He grabbed your arm and started pulling you towards the bus. "Come on!"

You and Aiden stepped onto the bus, as the teacher started to explain the schedule, you let out a heavy sigh as you learned that the trip to Savannah was 8 hours long. You were already feeling restless, and the thought of being stuck on a bus for that long was enough to make you want to pull your hair out.

As you made your way to where your History group was, you immediately looked for Ashlyn, your eyes locking on hers. Her look answered a lot of questions.

"Can we talk?" she asked.


is it me or do all the sbg fanfictions start with the first episode...like its not like i dont like it it's just rlly unoriginal and perdictable

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