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The kids were told to go play outside so the 'adults' could talk about this Randall guy Rick, Glenn and Hershel came back with yesterday.
I hate that, not allowed in on an important conversation because of my age, it's not my fault.

     Maggie showed us a tyre swing in one of the trees that her and Beth used to use when they were kids, me and Carl took it in turns while Danyella was gone.
She went up to see Beth a lot, I guess they're closer in age than we are to her. Plus, who wanted to hang out with their brother? I know I didn't.

     Mia was more mischievous than I thought, we left her alone for a few seconds and she managed to get ahold of Carl's knife he had taken out his belt. Luckily it wasn't too sharp and she held it upside down by the handle but that's the last time we left her unsupervised. It was terrifying and that could've gone very wrong and my mind couldn't help but flash images of what would have happened if she cut herself.

Kinda it's that reason I don't have a knife of my own, I'd be worried about hurting myself and others the whole time. I also don't really need one, I'm pretty safe here and I don't leave the farm. No one leaves the farm unless they gotta and no one's coming to the farm. It don't feel necessary to have a weapon on me.

     "We can't tell Shane," Carl practically begged, he knew he'd not let us babysit again and that meant more to Carl than it did me. I liked the kid, I guess, but to Carl she's family.
"Definitely not," I nodded before my eyes trailed off behind him, "Daryl," I nearly shouting when I saw him going into the house. Giving us, me, a little half wave thing.

     "You're just gonna let him go?" I heard Shane before I ran into the room, "he knows where we are," he continues and I listen in,
"He was blindfolded the whole way here, he's not a threat," Rick argues back,
"Not a threat, how many of them were there? You killed three of their men, took one of them hostage, but they just ain't gonna come lookin' for them," Shane scoffs.

That's when Carl walked up the steps, Mia in his arms, kinda.He tried to pick her up but she's nearly half his size,
"What was that?" Carl says, looking at me then through the glass door, seeing everyone sitting at the long dining table talking and he quickly goes to the side to avoid being spotted as, he too, wanted to listen in.

     "You know, I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy," Shane taps his hand on the chair he was leaning on and walks past everyone, "look at this folks, we back in fantasy land," he heads straight to the door we're listening through.
I jump down the steps back to the swing, Carl drops Mia down and tries catches up to me, he ain't a very fast runner.

     After a few seconds, longer than I thought it was gonna take, he storms out the house frustrated by something we missed because he wasn't that mad when we left.
Swinging the door open, that could've hit Mia if she didn't walk away, which he completely missed her and went in the other direction.
Andrea out next, then Daryl, who both saw the girl but left her.

     I go back to the house now it's over wanted to see Maggie but when I got there I saw her and Glenn having a serious conversation and left them, going upstairs to Beth and Danyella instead.
"Is she ok?" I asked quietly when I came round the corner into the room only seeing Dani sitting at the end of her bed then Hershel checking her temperature, sitting on a chair next to her bed.
Danyella looks at me and shook her head to say she was the same as yesterday.

     Maggie came up soon after standing by the door crossing her arms.
"Has she eaten?" Hershel asked his oldest daughter and she sighed shaking her head. Danyella gives me a look as she slowly shifted of the bed towards the door and puts her hand out for me to take it.

     I wait till we're down the hall,
"Why?" My voice low,
"I think him and Maggie have something to talk about," she puts simply and I shrug it off.
"Do you like cars?" She held my hand down the stairs. I shrug, I've never been a fan of cars. They have faces and I like the bright, shiny colours they have when they're new but that's about it.
"Well, Carl brought some of his toy cars with him from home and he hasn't played with them in a while,"
I don't know how I feel about playing with Carl's toys, whether he plays them or not but I'm always curious to what they look like.

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