An owl or five stripes ?

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Lilith Saffron McCartney. As if 'Lilith' wasn't bad enough already, we had to add the 'Saffron'. Thanks mom and dad.. Anyways what is there to say? Hi i'm Lilith, I just turned sixteen on June 30th, I like the color gray, and yesterday I watched my own mother die before my eyes. I was forced to watch as two men made my mother undress herself, and then shot her. Twice. In the face. I've decided I should keep a blog about everything that happens from now on, due to the fact that I have decided to find (and kill) the people who did this to my mother. In case I die I have set up something so that if I do not log into this blog in a week, everything will automatically be posted. So if I die, someone will know everything I knew.

The months after I watched my mother dieWhere stories live. Discover now