An Eye for an Eye

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Leo didn't know what to expect when Kate told him to come to her place at the end of the day's shooting. It was a pretty chill day of filming, and they managed to not be all over each other during the entire shooting, though they couldn't help the intimate touches that lingered a little too long for the duo to be seen as friends. Today was his own birthday now, however, and his Kate had requested him of his presence to her private chambers, her own place, this time. He had lied to his girlfriend, his mother, and his friends saying that he was just going to "stay in and rehearse his lines as he was very busy" was the bullshit excuse he pulled to convince his loved ones to let them celebrate his birthday with him with endless drinking and/or partying. While that sounded all nice and fun to Leo, and truly, it did sound very fun seeing as his birthday also came with a few days for he and Kate to chill and relax again, it's just that... Kate's request of him was of the highest, most utmost importance to Leo. He might be a little whipped for this British woman, but he didn't give a shit, at this point.

"Come by my place tonight. You have my spare key, so come prepared to stay with me all night, birthday boy" were the words Kate had whispered in his ear, while everyone was busy cheering and wishing Leo a happy birthday or mingling amongst themselves.

Such a provocative thing for her to say in the midst of all the cheering and chatter amongst the surrounding crew, but when Leo saw that look in her eyes, he could see that raging fire in her eye that told him how she wanted to celebrate with him, this time round. Leo knew why she was repaying him this way, as he had done the same to her merely a month ago, though her birthday celebration was on the more tragic side, to say the least. Still, though, Kate was thoroughly pleased and happy at the pleasurable gift he had given to her, and now, Leo was just bouncing in his driver's seat as he drove over to Kate's place. They lived in pretty much the same complex that was near the studio, though her place was a bit further down than his own apartment. Yet, Leo was more than prepared to stay over at his secret pseudo-girlfriend's residence, and he felt like such a whore as he looked over in the passenger seat at his sleeping bag filled with a change of clothes and his own bathroom necessities. Yeah, the relationship between him and Kate was a wild one, to say the least, and yet, he expertly worked his car into the parking space next to Kate's own car, parking his car with every full intention to stay the night. It was only 6pm, and yet Leo had a feeling Kate was going to keep him here all night, and somehow, the feeling of knowing his presence was wanted made his nerves flare up a little.

"This still feels so wrong to me, somehow" he said to himself aloud, taking his hands off the steering wheel and rubbing his face and hating that he could feel his cheeks already brimming with heat. Dammit, was he already starting to think about all that there was to happen within the walls of Kate's apartment? Said apartment had no nearby neighbors, and Leo's cheeks ached from how much he was smiling as he grabbed his bag and made sure his hair was nice and neat, but his cheeks burned even more as he knew that his hair was going to go through a lot of tugging and yanking and be all over the place by the time sleep came to them eventually. Oh, why did that send an excited chill down his spine?

Not wanting to make Kate wait any longer for his arrival, Leo stepped out of his car, surveying his surroundings as he shut the door and eyed his whereabouts as he locked his car. He was still very much a celebrity, and so for him to be out and about like this would send those nosey paparazzi on a field day if they knew why he was here in the first place. Quickly, he made his way up the pathway to the steps that led up to the 3rd floor, where his Katy was there waiting for him to come do whatever it is he hopefully would be able to do with her tonight. He should feel like a shameful boyfriend for being so much more excited about going to Kate's place than Kristen's own, and each step he took up the stairs only filled him with a sense of desire to take the beauty the moment he stepped in her doorway. Oh, how would he take her, though? It was his special day and all, and he didn't really ask for much else other than to be with her tonight, but he had no idea what he was going to do to make her sing all the euphoric praises while he-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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