Why are you still doing that?

18 1 9

So how much would it be?

Well, considering it was three hours and your wife kept calling you, which was a bummer because you shouldn't even be here so 350 

350?! why that much

I usually charge 250 but you weren't ready and we kept getting interrupted which is your problem so I'm charging you extra

Just take my goddamn money and I'm never coming back!

That's what you said the other three times

Listen, you are a smart young beautiful girl. You should be getting your education not being involved in this.

And you are a grown old man who should be with his family aka his children instead of having some time with another woman

What's with the rude talk

Just go

See you next week

Next week is double

Yeah, yeah

I put my coat on grabbing my bag, leaving the hotel room and going over to the reception to pay

after paying I get in my car and I start driving to my apartment

I pull up to my apartment and go up the stairs instead of the elevator because it's still broken

I open door seeing my roommate sitting down on the couch

I've been waiting for you.

It's been six hours.

I had a lot client well only like three, but it's something at least

Why are you still doing this?

You know why I have to pay my debt and pay my education

Ask your parents for help you don't have to do this

You know, my parents are just scumbags, you know how they are

Maybe if you talk to them, they would understand your situation

They abandoned me!

That's what you keep telling everyone, but they did not

Well, what did you want me to tell them? 

The truth

Oh so " mom and dad I need money to support my education because I've been sleeping with a bunch of men so that I can make a living out of this and I want to stop so give me money so I can pay education."

Well, you need to tell them one day

You know, I don't talk to them in years

Just give it a try you don't know what's gonna happen

Can you please stay out of my business?

I'm helping you so that you can get better

I don't need your help so just leave me alone

One day you're gonna be realize that you spent all of your young adult hood with the bunch of men who like to use your as their toy when they should be at home with their families

Can you please just stop? I'm getting a headache.

OK, then your decision your future

My roommate walks away, giving a sigh. I take the opportunity to sit down on the couch and think about what she said maybe she was right but I can never talk to my parents after what happened.

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