I'm just a child

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"I'm just a child...just a child!"


A child is known to be the most fragile state in the growth of mankind. Indeed "he" may look tough yet brave but he ought to tremble and fall on his knees once in awhile..as you know his just a mere child wanting love and affection from those whom were bound to make him feel safe and loved .

But he was alone, in this pity full darkness and coldness of an icy water after such traumatic events that nearly ended his life.

He fought such a dangerous creature that was blinded by power as "it" greeds on wanting to take things that was " it's" not caring others as he stand in vengeance unhesitant to kill those who blocks his path.


"Is this how I'll die?.."
"Alone..cold and frightened"
"Is this the end?"

As his eyes began to grew heavier, everything started to blur and darkened, he then smiled as he saw a few such familiar figures dive heading towards his direction. Those figures were his friends that had coloured his life knowing that his life is just black and white .

He slowly lost consciousness and sank deeper into the voids that would freeze him to death.

"I'm lucky to have such friends.."
He thought as everything went blank.



Idk it seems that I picture him as that. U know I kept rethinking why does he still want to be apart of tappops let alone he nearly die several times. Not to mention him "11" fighting with severe injuries countless time .


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