Fairtale Land: Welcome Lost girl

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The pirates and Y/n had been in Neverland for a year, now and then Peter Pan would return but wouldn't see Y/n. In the beginning, when Y/n and the pirates come, Y/n requests that they don't harm the pirates and she becomes the first lost girl. Y/n said if they harmed the pirates she would raise hell on Neverland and they didn't want that to happen so they agreed.

Y/n was training with Felix and some others when Peter came back to Neverland. "Felix I'm going to take a walk in the forest, call when it's dinner time," Y/n said walking into the forest.

"Guys pan is back," Felix said. The boys gathered up. As Pan came down he said hi to everyone talking business and seeing if there was anyone new. As Devin was naming off people who were new Y/n walked past them.

"What's her name?" Pan asked.
"She will squash you like a bug," Devin laughed.
"Her name," Pan said strictly.
"Y/n, Hooks's daughter, one of the strongest pirates of his crew," Devin said.

For a second Pan and Y/n made eye contact. "Hey I don't suggest staring at Pan let's move along," Devin said to Pan.

As everyone gathered around the campfire, Pan sat by Y/n everyone stared at Pan like he was crazy. As Y/n looked up she saw what happened. "What just because I'm Hooks's daughter doesn't mean no one can't sit by me," she said confidently. Everyone stopped looking.

As Y/n got up to go get some food pan for up right after her. Felix leaned to Devin. "My goodness I think he's obsessed with her," Felix said. "Yeah it's always been the other way around, he is like a lost puppy dog," Devin responded. They both giggle at their comments and everyone who hears them giggles with them.

"Peter, why are you following me?" Y/n said turning around. "I-I'm not following you," Pan said. "Yeah right," Y/n said finishing her plate. "I'm going to visit my father I'll be back tomorrow," Y/n said. "How are you going to get there?" Pan asked cunningly. "Ima fly Peter," she said back as she started to lift in the air. As she left Pan was in shock.

As Y/n arrived at the ship smhe got her father. "Papa, I missed you," she said hugging her father.
"I missed you too dear," he said
"how the hook?"
"It's wonderful"
"I see there's still hope of your mother being alive," he said pointing at the necklace.
"Yeah it hasn't broken yet," she said holding it.

As she caught up with her father she went ahead and went back to the camp.

"Your back," Devin said happily.
"Yes I am Devin," she said giving him a huge.
As she walked to her hut as rest of the boys were in there. She walked in and saw Pan waiting in a chair.
"What a pleasure, why are you in my but and not yours?" She said grabbing a bottle of wine and uncorking it. "Can't I just say welcome to the group?" He said standing up.
"Yeah but you could've said it at dinner," she said
They stood there for a minute not saying anything.

"You know your not quite what I thought you'd be like,"
"What, mean and scary," Pan said walking closer
"Yeah," she said after taking a swig.
"I thought you were going to be mean and scary,"
"Me?" she said softly.
"Terrifying," he said with a smile.

They stood there close together looking into eyes of each other and as they did their magic connected and they felt strong feelings for each other. Peter leaned down and Y/n met halfway and they kissed. They started to kiss slowly. Not for too long they were making out and getting drunk.

As Y/n woke up she was blinded by daylight, she started to look around and saw her clothes in her chair and also saw bacon and eggs at her side with a note.

She took and shower and got dressed then ate her eggs and bacon while reading the note.

'I'm going to go train with the lost boys join when you want, PS: they don't know about last night.'   -P

When Y/n finished she went outside and saw the boys playing sword with Pan. "Mined if a girl joined?" She said loud enough for everyone to hear. "Not at all," Pan said tossing a sword to Y/n. As she catches it she says. "So who am I fighting first?"
"Me," Pan said confidently.

Later on that night, Y/n brang out some booze. "Drinks anyone?" she said handing out bottles, "what type of booze is it?" Pan asks walking towards her, "some are vodka and some are rum," she said looking at the bottles. "Of course they are," Pan said "Shut up and drink," she said shoving a bottle in his arms.

Y/n got an empty bottle and filled half of it with vodka and the rest with rum. She sat down by a tree stump as they all talked and got drunk.

"Why are your eyelashes too big Y/n?" Devin asked curiosity.
"Ok fine I wear false eyelashes..." she said winningly.
"Oh, and I fucked Peter" she added confidently.
The lost boys sat there a little shocked while Peter felt targeted. After a while Y/n started to burst into laughter. "O my god your guy's faces were so funny," she said in laughter drunkenly.

Y/n Hook (PeterPanxReader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt