chapter 9

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third person pov:

after hearing all this sadia was extremly furious she valued her self respect the most and she can't sacrifise that for anyone she also felt that she would never want to spend who would not value her as she was moving he stopped her by saying

"if you move from this place i will destroy your uncle in seconds i know you extremly respect him   and you won't want him to be destroyed do you want?'

his words made her shiver her to the spine tears started forming in her eyes at this moment sadia broke"wh..wh..what do you want from me you already rejected me why do you want to marry me from all of those girls there why"she was now crying and her voice was breaking


"sadia my dear come here"

that day i was shivering, anxious even you can say after my parents passed away i was with my grandparents with in a month of the death of my parents my grandparents also passed i entered depression i started dissconecting from people at that time uncle javed entered my life he was like a light in darkness a warmth in coldness.

after seeing him i became nervous and started breaking down i became anxious  he took me in his lap  and told"oh sadia don't cry dear your uncle is still their don't worry "

that day i felt that i was not lonely and someone helped me guided me showed me the light of life.

end of flashback.

rayyan replied"oh dear i am not a bit intrested in you and i know thousands of girl waiting for me but i don't know  what my aunt saw in you she is so adament that i have to  marrry you and to prove her that i am not a marraige material i have to marry you and then divorce i hope i have made clear"

he keeps an file in front of her by taking from his friend ahad

"its an contract which you have to sign which has all rules stated but still some of the rules which should never be broken i would speak and i will be open about that you willl be my wife only in name sake you have no means no right in my life you won't interfere in my life i have total of 7 mistress with whom you should never contact and should have no problem i have physical relation with them with that also you should have no problem during the contract period you should not develop feelings for me and after the contract period ends we will get divorced and you should move out of my life other rules are stated any how you have to marry me or you know the consequences you will face"

by hearing all this she remembers the things stated in quran related to zina(sexual intercourse between a man and women. outside a valid marriage (nikah), the semblance (shubha) of marriage, or lawful.)

the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "No adulterer is a believer at the time when he is committing adultery" Narrated by al-Bukhari (2475) and Muslim (57).

And he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "If a man commits zina, faith comes out of him and hovers over him like a cloud, then when he stops, faith returns to him." (Narrated by Abu Dawud (4960) and al-Tirmidhi (2625); classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih Abi Dawud.)

rayyan speaks" and one more thing i have to state before you are in a delusion i don't follow my relegion so i am making it clear before itself"

after hearing those words again she recalls verses from surah al hajj

"Indeed, it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the chests that grow blind. "

she was hopeless and no one could help her in this situation she cannot let anyone harm her uncle who never saw her less than her daughter eho took stand for her gave shelter and guided made her a sucessful woman and independent women can stand on her own .

she agress to him and signed the contract.

end of chapter 

so what do you think my lovely readers what sadia did was that right or did she chose a wrong path.

i hope so you by this story you get knowledge about islam i will also give info about many forgetten sunnah in the story 

 please my readers don't miss  any salah because Allah is the one who made you what you are today never get misguided .

thank you all please support me if some spelling mistakes are there pease ignore i will surely try to edit them.

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