Chapter I: Half Blood Hill

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— sorry about any weird sentences or bad spelling! Feel free to point anything out that needs fixing! —

I turn my head down away from the bright full moon shining through the leaves. Owls hoot above my head somewhere in the branches. I'm not sure how I got here or even where "here" is. I don't remember anything but my name. Irena.

I was running from something I think. My heart is beating fast anyways and I'm completely out of breath. My mouth is dry and my hair tangled with dirt and grass from the ground I woke up laying on.

There's a sharp pain shooting through my legs, did I fall while I was running? I slowly sit up then trying to lean on the tree next to me as much as possible stand.

I look around taking in my surroundings. I'm on a hill under a massive pine tree. The hill rolls down into a dark forest on one side and a huge field filled with odd buildings and... are those strawberries? One of the buildings, a big house has its lights on still.

I hear footsteps nearby and my head snaps towards the noise "who's there" I call out into the darkness. I wait in the darkness leaning against the tree trunk readying myself to start running. A light flashes over the hill. "Hello?" I whisper nervously. "Carful" a voice says "we don't know if they're gonna be hostile."

I freeze against the tree are they talking about ME?? Hostile? Who the hell are these people and why do they expect me to jump at them with a knife or something?

A boy with dark curly hair appears as he makes his way up the hill followed by a short girl with her hair in neat braids. "Hello" the boy calls out "we just want to help you, are you injured?"

I press against the tree as much as I can as if I'm trying to melt into it. The boy and the girl shine their flashlights at me and I cringe away from the brightness of the light and stumble a bit on my burning legs.

"We just want to help you," the boy assures me. I look at the girl behind him, she can't be more than ten but she looks ready to pounce and attack me at a moments notice with the bronze dagger that she's gripping in her right hand.

The boy seems to notice my unease and turns to the girl while still keeping his eyes on me "Annabeth ease up, you're scaring her."
The girl seems to listen and relaxes her posture a little bit she still holds onto the dagger. "My name's Luke," the boy says calmly "what's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Irena. Welcome to Camp half blood."

I blink at him a few times trying to recognize the name, "where?"

"Camp half blood" he says again calmly, "I'll explain more in the morning." He gestures for me to follow and I do cautiously avoiding the unnatural brightness of the flashlight.

Very short chapter, I apologize for that I'm working on longer ones I promise 🤞

I hope you enjoyed anyways!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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