Hold me in your arms and tell me everything is going to be okay.

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David's eyes sprung open, and he sat up, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to shake off the remnants of a horrible nightmare. The room started to feel cramped, and the memories of his abusive father were still vivid in his mind. Sweat glistened on his forehead, and his hands were trembling. Exer, his beloved partner whom he was in bed with, was woken up by David's state of panic and sat up next to him, sensing his distress.

Exer gazed at David with concern, gently asking, "Hey, are you okay?" He reached for David's hand, offering comfort as David's eyes welled up with tears, his face etched with anxiety.

After a moment of silence, David's voice quivered as he uttered, "I woke up from a nightmare about my father."

Exer's heart ached for David, knowing the pain and fear the nightmare had stirred in his soul. Guilt washed over Exer, wishing he could shield David from the haunting memories that plagued his sleep.

The two remained hushed for a few minutes before Exer drew David near to him, reached out, and began running a calming hand through David's hair as he murmured words of comfort to him.

"Don't worry, Day; it was only a nightmare. You're safe with me," Exer whispered, the tenderness in his voice a console to David's uptight nerves. David's racing heart gradually slowed as Exer's touch worked its magic, grounding him in the present moment. The nightmare began to lose its grip on him as Exer's presence filled the room with a sense of calmness and security.

Feeling the tension lessening, David turned to look into Exer's eyes, gratitude and love shining through the haze of fear. "Thank you, Ex. I don't know what I'd do without you," he said, his voice filled with emotion. Exer smiled softly as a subtle warmth crept up Exer's cheeks, painting them a delicate shade of red as he glanced at David with a strong sense of affection—both their eyes reflecting unwavering support and fondness as the two lovers both admired each other.

Exer gently brushed David's hair out of the way, leaned in, and kissed his forehead in a gesture of reassurance and love. David closed his eyes and melted into Exer's touch, savouring the warmth of the moment. The sensation of Exer's lips against his skin felt like a promise of comfort and solace. "I love you, Exer," he muttered, his words conveying a depth of emotion that transcended mere speech.

"I love you too, Day," Exer replied, his voice a soft declaration of devotion. Both of them sat facing each other in the dimly lit room, their eyes locked in a gaze filled with trust and understanding. As they shared a moment of deep connection, a subtle shimmer of green began to dance within Exer's eyes, reflecting the unwavering trust between them. The air around them seemed to shimmer with a soft green mist, swirling and enveloping them in a cocoon of their shared bond.

David's heart raced as he felt the weight of Exer's gaze, a silent promise of loyalty and devotion. In that moment, he knew that Exer was the one person he could always rely on, the one whose trust would never waver. With a surge of emotion, David acted on instinct, pulling Exer closer to him until their lips met in a gentle yet passionate kiss.

As their lips touched, a wave of pure energy seemed to pass between them, igniting a spark that set their souls on fire. The two seemed to have forgotten about the world around them as David's kiss enveloped them both. In that moment, Exer completely melted into the kiss, surrendering to the depth of feeling that pulsed between them.

The green mist that surrounded them swirled and danced in harmony with their embrace, a visual representation of the bond that held them together. In the midst of the swirling haze of green, Exer and David stood as one, their trust and love merging to create a moment of pure, unadulterated connection.

As they finally broke apart, their eyes met once more, now shimmering with an even deeper sense of understanding and affection. In the silence that followed, they knew that their trust in each other had only grown stronger, solidifying their relationship in a way that words could never capture.

After they both sat there admiring each other for a while, David finally broke the silence by pointing out the green smog that surrounded them and how Exer's eyes turned a mesmerising shade of green. Exer blinked in surprise, as he was too focused on his lover to even realise what was going on around them. They both sat there in awe, admiring the beauty of the magical aurora as it continued to surround them, creating a sense of tranquilly and wonder in the air.

Shortly after, wrapped in each other's arms once again, David and Exer drifted back to sleep, their breathing synchronised in a harmony of trust and love. In the stillness of the night, they found extreme comfort in each other's presence, a sanctuary against the ghosts of the past. And as they both gave in to the embrace of slumber, their entwined souls found refuge in the promise of a new dawn, where love was the only truth that mattered.

Nightfall Serenity: Exer's Tender Touch.Where stories live. Discover now