First impression (Johnlock)

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I walked in. There were so many mistakes that he did. For example; there were plenty of fingertips on the wrist, which showed that he was struggling. There was ID on the floor which belonged to him, that showed he was in a hurry. Why leave in a hurry? Simple reason being that someone saw him. Obviously amateur.

"This is just way too easy."


"So what?"

"So who did it?"

"Oh, right. Well by the look of the ID, the killer is Francis De Leonardo, age 43 and he is surely looking for his card. Now can I go home Lestrade?"

"Yea, alright. You can go." The officer reached into his pocket and fished a £20 note. "Here, you were right Anderson." He sighed then turned around and walked over to Scott and Sally. I turned and walked out the pub. Walking to the end of the street, I waved for a cab.

"221b Baker St. Please."


"Here we are." I paid the man and hopped out. Outside the blue door stood an average tall man with light hair and a cane, staring up at the door.

"Yes may I help?" He turned and revealed his blue eyes, which were captivating from that certain angle. His clothes were casual, however oddly matched. His hand was twitching with the cane, which he was leaning on. Accident? No, the twitch indicates that it's stress, however his posture suggest military background. Traumatic stress? Maybe...could be.

"I'm John, John Watson. I was told you were looking for a__"



"Ok, when are you moving over?"

"Hold on, Sir. We have just met, you want us to move in together?" John shifted backwards.

"You didn't answer." I rolled my eyes, reaching for my keys.




"Alright, I will be expecting you." I nodded and made my way towards the door, noticing his eyes glued on me.

"Wait!" He stopped me.

"Sherlock Holmes." I added.

"Sherlock, may we talk over tea? You know, get to know each other before we actually live together."

I narrowed my eyes however, welcomed him in.

"'s quiet big for__"

"Nope." I cut him off before making a stupid assumption.


"I don't live on my own."

"Oh...then you share."

I nodded.

"With your girlfriend?"

"What? No."

"Oh." He smiled and looked away. "Alright."

"I share with another woman called Mrs Hudson. She is the landlady, very charming." I lead up stairs. He followed quietly. "So, Afganistan or Iraq?"

"Afganistan." John spilled out. He paused. " Wait. what? How did you?" He frowned, forming an adora-....adorable?

"Adorable." Yea. That's the word. You could describe him as adorable and oddly admirable.

"What?" He looked taken aback.

"Your posture, not many men are so well postured. Your hair cut and self grooming is neat, and many other factors suggest a military or a navy training." I took in a deep breath. "But considering the trembling I would confirm military. Recent UK involvement was in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just now, you confirmed Afghanistan."

John opened mouth. His expression showed shock and amazement. "Wow. That was brilliant."


He nodded.

I hummed making my way into the kitchen. "Tea?"I shouted.

"Yes please." He called back.

Switching on the kettle, I got a mug and a tea bag. Shame only the tea with Cialis was left. "How many sugars?"

"None thanks."

Once the water had heated, I poured it carefully in the mug. The smell, colour and taste did not change even with two powdered pills in. I smiled and walked over to John. "Here."

"Thanks." He smiled up at me. Taking a sip and looking around.

I sat on my armchair and just observed. Most sexually active men do not need such drugs, however it may fasten the process of erection.

John's eyes landed on me. At last I could marvell at the sheer beauty of his well structured face. "So, umm...what do you do for a living."

Deducing that his heart rate has began to fasten, it would take 69 seconds until the drug take full affect. "I work with the police. I am a consulting detective."

"A what?"

"A consulting detective, only one in the world. A job I made up. I help the enforcement solve crimes, mysteries when they are out of their depths." 26 seconds. Breathing has become heavier.

"Oh." John frowned. He put the mug down on the small table at his side. 12 seconds. "I'm sorry I feel a bit-"

"Hot?" I cut in.

The doctor looked up at me. Full blown out pupils, fast heart beat and heavy breathing. "Very."

"May I suggest a solution?" I leaned forward.

"Do please." He mimicked my movement. From this angle, I could see a bold bulge between his legs.

(John's prov)

"I suggest we make out passionately then we move to the couch." Sherlock said in a baritone.

I felt like a 15 year old again, wanting to shag first thing I saw. And well, first thing I saw was him. Bloody sexy smirk and does fucking cheekbones.

"That, is a very good idea." I purred before he got up and sat on my lap. Slowly, he leaned down and pressed his soft lips against mine.

Fuck. He smelled so good. He tasted good too. I gripped his hips and returned the kiss more passionately.

Sherlock's prov

I grinned my crotch down against his, receiving a moan. My hand slid down his chest to his belt. Reaching for his cock and teasing him while I dominated the kiss once more. He moaned so sweetly that I nearly could hold back.

"Sh-Sherlock, you better have at least two bottles of lube."

I looked down to see a bright red face. I cupped his face and pulled him in for a kiss then whispered, "Now, now you just have to wait a little bit longer." Then I licked his neck, making him shiver. I continued to kiss him, working my way down.

John's prov

Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Shit.

Touch, friction, Kisses, skin, Moans and screams. What a fucking first impression Sherlock pulled off that night.

---Edit: Ah man, I recently have been rereading this fic and thought of redoing it. In all honesty, it was my first to actually write, so obviously it is shit. New readers, welcome! Re-reader, nice to see you again. So yea. Do tell me what has been improved (or not). Thank you for reading and see you next chapter :3


(in a rewriting process) First impressionWhere stories live. Discover now