The killer

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The killer overslept.  Again!  Third time this week.

Fucking internet!  Spending too much time at night wasting time, into the morning hours, doing nothing productive.  Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube!  These things all seem to conspire to grab and keep your attention.  You watch one video about kittens and the next thing you know it's after midnight, hours gone, nothing accomplished.  The AI behind the scenes effortlessly streaming content to your feed, feeding your latest interest or desire with clickable links presented non stop, sourced from the bottomless well that is the web.

'So much to do today, so much, Jesus Christ! Late already.'  

The killer rushes through her morning routine.  Pee, shower, teeth, fix her hair then the daily stress deciding what to wear.  Apply just a little bit of makeup, then picking a pair of shoes from the pile in the closet, again resolving to sort this shit out as soon as possible!

The killer is finally ready to go, just need to find the perfect purse from another pile, then find the last purse used and transfer all the shit needed for the day.  Fifteen minutes later grab the car keys and out the door.

'Shit, shit, shit!' she exclaims in frustration at the little orange light shaped like a gas pump illuminated on the dashboard.  'I should have stopped for gas last night but no, had to rush home, will do it in the morning!  Idiot!'

She backs out of the parking space, not looking, struggling with the safety belt, stress level through the roof.  She finally manages to click the belt home, slams the transmission into drive and starts her day with screeching tires.

Before leaving the apartment complex, she digs her phone out of her purse, plugs it in to charge, unlocks the screen and barrels into the day.

The killer was on her second text during her morning drive when she ran the red light and struck the group of children in the crosswalk.  She only looked up when the car hit the group of kids, the sound of metal breaking bone bringing her attention back to reality.  The shock when realizing what is happening keeping her foot frozen on the gas pedal, the car dragging little bodies while bouncing over others, eventually slamming into another vehicle.  Her foot still pressing the pedal, engine protesting, stalling, her eyes wide in horror, her phone still clutched in her hand.

Time pass in slow motion.  Bystanders running to help or just stare, some taking pictures with their phones, others calling for help.  

Someone opens the car door, grabs the killer and try to remove her from the car, violently.  The safety belt keeping her in place.  'You stupid little bitch!' the bystander shouts, 'You killed them.  Get out!  Now!'

Someone else shows up, a police officer, more than one, pulling the furious crazed person away from the car, away from the girl.  'Killer, killer, you shit, you fucking killer!' the bystander screams in anger. 

The girl, now the killer, slowly returns to reality.  The realization of what just happens dawns on her, slams her deeper into a state of shock, unable to move or think or breathe.

She is removed from the car, put on a gurney, into an ambulance.  The paramedics make her comfortable, administer first aid.  One pries the phone from her hand as he scans the scene of death and destruction, his attention returning to the unresponsive 17 year old girl lying on the gurney.

'Fucking cellphones, fucking things are killers!' he says under his breath as he finally gets it from her grip.

The ambulance leaves the scene, transporting the killer away.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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