13- New Beginnings

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Over the last few weeks, the mountains in Concordia were livelier than it had ever been. An addition of twenty-two members had miraculously been added to the Ether clan. A huge concern was lifted off Jimin and Dawn's shoulders.

Being the only two members of the Ether clan made them feel lonely, ridiculous and for some reason guilty. They often thought how the clan would prosper and grow with just them and their kids, whenever they did have them.

But now they had so many more members, each of them so wonderful and unique to the Ether clan. It seems that the ability to change eye and now hair colour for some, was a specific trait to that clan. Jimin and Dawn had wolves to relate to in an intrapersonal way that, they could never do with the other wolves.

The empty cabin was now filled with bright energy, chatter and laughter. It seemed like eons ago that the wolves were locked up. Surprisingly enough, being in such a warm and comforting environment that was natural to their biology, the captured wolves were able to heal and adjust in a short span of time.

Many things changed for the better with the wolves. All the alphas met weekly, discussing plans for their packs, how to help each other out. The previous alphas held these pack meetings also, using it to catch up with the other packs and be notified of threats.

It was a way to bond and reinforce the relationship between clans. The current alphas never saw the reason for such meetings before this. All of them lived mundane lives and moreso felt broke without all the clans attending.
But now that many of them had mates and the ether clan had been reinstated and founded, the wolves of Concordia had found purpose to live. They continued with renewed vigor and robust energy.

Normal tasks were carried out in a new light. Hope and possibility blooming.

The baren mind and hearts of the lonely wolves were now bursting and blossoming with seedlings of happiness and camaraderie.

Wolves from all clans met up, which is something they never bothered with before. It was like experiencing a new part of a world they were in. They saw things in a different light.

The members would meet up for friendly duels and racing. They would do alot of tasks together, enjoying each other's company. They would brawl and wrestle. Joke and laugh. Exchange stories and share tips on how to do simple things.

The dullness that once hung over them, now dissappeared. Perpetual rainbow and sun seemed to shine over.

Jungkook, Ethan, Clive, Alfred and Edmond hung out one such afternoon. The Earth clan was growing seedlings for the next harvest and some of the other wolves came over to help and hang out.

The watched with fascination how Jungkook planted carrot and beetroot seeds and minutes later it began to sprout ever so slightly. This was something that usually took a few days. The growing process was a tad shorter for the Earth wolves.

Clive carefully watered the seedlings. Making sure not to drown them out.
They spent the rest of the day just talking and relaxing in the shade. It wasn't particularly sunny or hot, but remaining in the cooler parts kept them from tiring out excessively. They raced each other down the hilly areas, boying grins spread across their faces.

It was Ethans idea so see who could run the fastest without shifting. Clive and Alfred had tied first with the others coming in second.

They howled and guffawed in excitement. They sat down sprawled on the ground. Jungkook, Clive and Alfred sitting back against trees with their knee propped up. Edmond and Ethan under the shade of enormous gum trees, lying on their backs, knees bent up with their legs spread out wide. Relaxing and making casual talk. It was something they never had nor did they consider prior to this.

BTS - The SupernaturalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora