Prologue - Arising Evil

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In the mystic harmony of the cosmos, lay a dark and grey rocky planet named Arimir, a home world of one of the most dangerous species in the Universe, a race known as the Xorhad, a ruthless and savage alien race with the most foul of beings in its ranks. Like any other species in the universe, they had a citadel, however, theirs was more hidden, as they had an underground fortress, located deep in the catacombs of the planet, tucked into the dark abyssal tunnels that lie below the surface.

"Commander, we brought a gift..." One of the so called Xorhad Knights appear, a red brutish alien with buff and rocky skin, an orange glow emitting from their eyes, as they appear to be dragging something, or someone.

"What is it?..." A tall, purple armoured Xorhad stood at the entrance to the citadel, a menacing stare on his face, glaring at what his men have brought him, leaning on his molten sword, eyeing the package.

"We got a spy for you, a Triton soldier no less..." This intrigued the commander, as the Xorhad had always despised the Tritons, a human-like race, gifted powers many dreamed of having, so having one at his feet, was a sight he was glad to see as well as experience.

The commander kneels down on one of his knees, looking down at the Triton soldier, before quickly grabbing the soldier's neck with force, causing him to look up at the towering Xorhad, as the commander starts speaking, his voice low with a raspy tinge to it.

"Do you know who I am?..." The soldier's head gave a small nod, his breath quivering, due to both fear, and the tight grasp on his neck, the large armoured hand blocking his windpipes.

"Commander...Qurahv of the...Xorhad army..." The struggled sentence finally escapes the soldier's mouth, his face turning a slight bluish colour, the lack of oxygen starting to show its affects, as the grip on the soldier's neck stays firm.

"Indeed, now...what is a Triton soldier doing on Arimir...surely they didn't just send you...the Tritons are becoming a nuisance to us as of late..." The commander chuckles slightly before shoving the soldier back a bit, the soldier gasping for every inch of air he can get, whilst Qurahv quickly gets back on his feet as he towers over the Triton soldier.

"Commander, he tried to take this from the artifact chamber..." One of the Knights hands Qurahv an ancient sealed book, one that he recognises instantly. He gives a slight chuckle, turning his gaze down to the soldier.

"So...let me get this straight...they sent you to take the Book of Rohkarag? So you know of our plans...this is quite interesting...and troublesome" Qurahv chuckles at the young soldier, having a laugh about the current situation he's witnessing happen right in front of him.

"The Tritons will stop you, you Xorhad scum..." The young Triton soldier speaks, his act of intimidation having no effect on the Xorhad soldiers, whilst Qurahv just chuckles at the soldier's young antics, before sending a big punch to the soldier's face, the commander's face now bares a more serious expression, indicating he is done laughing.

The soldier's head cocked to the side from the impact, a pool of blood beginning to form under his chin, blood dripping from his mouth and nose, as the cold, rocky ground begins to alter from a stone grey, to a venetian red, staining the dry stone under him.

"So you think that you can just waltz in here, attempt to take our plans, inform your army, and come here?..." Qurahv laughs a bit at the plan, as the Xorhad Knights join in with their commander, giving a chuckle or two to give a sort of agreement with Qurahv's statement.

"Tritons are funny some times...their plans never fail to crack me up, to think that they can steal something from us, the mighty Xorhads? You hear that boys? Haha!" The Knights continue laughing with their commander, as Qurahv just stands in front of the soldier, a taunting expressions creeps up on his face.

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