strange circumstances

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It had been several months since the outbreak happened, people being turned into monsters, rain turned to ash as it fell. Though it wasn't known what actually caused the outbreak, it was determined that it wasn't the ash, as it was relatively harmless. However many people had fallen to this curse, and if bitten or even drinking infected water, a human would also become these monsters. Once bitten, it was the end, ones body would start to slowly fall apart, becoming something far from human, a beast of various shapes and forms.
And so, as Bero sat up from where he lay on the ground, soaked in blood but no injuries to be found, he was confused. He clearly remembered being not only attacked, but ripped apart by a savage beast. Yet somehow, he wasn't dead, or a mindless monster. Everything sounded so loud too, he wondered if he'd hit his head.
He carefully lifted his hands and inspected them carefully. Then his legs, he then looked at his shredded shirt. It was bloody and bearly holding on by a few threads, a giant hole in the center, right where his stomach had previously been ripped open. It couldn't have all been a dream, but there was no wounds or even a scar.
Bero didn't know what to make of this, but he knew he needed to wash this blood off, he couldn't go home soaked in blood afterall. He looked to his left, where the river was, he'd been attacked in the water by a fish like beast, but it wasn't here now. Though there were large tracks going along the river, imprinted in the mud. He stood up and walked to the river, looking downwards at the waters surface, he froze, legs giving out, he collapsed onto his knees.
Had he seen right? He leaned forwards, slowly, carefully, his reflection showing in the dim moonlight. Bero had been rather average looking, short brown hair and eyes, not particularly handsome, but nor ugly either. He was average in every sense, but his reflection showed something very different. His hair was now slate grey, his eyes a deep red fading into gold at the bottom, but that wasn't the only thing that had changed. His ears were longer, and fuzzy, pointed and slightly curved, like a mix between a wolf and a human, and even more strange, he had four of them, a second set tucked behind the first set.
He lifted his hand hesitantly to touch them, his finger gently brushing the the tip of his ear. It tickled, and his ear reflexively twitched away, similar to the way a cat or dogs might. He let out a sigh, at least now he understood why everything sounded much louder now.
Bero couldn't help but just sit and stare at his reflection for a few moments, he wasn't sure what happened, but it looked like he started to turn into a monster, but for some reason it was interrupted. He was a bit curious as to what else had changed, but he'd figure that out later. He wasn't sure how long he had been unconscious, and he needed to get back to his mother, she was sickly and likely very hungry by now, seeing as it was noon when he left, and it currently appeared to be midnight.
Slowly, Bero stood up, his legs still felt shaky, he was afraid for the future, but right now he needed to get back to the house, to his mother. He slowly and carefully made his way through the woods, following the trail he'd used for years, going back and forth to the river to look for herbs, or following it to hunt prey. The trail was only about a fifteen minute walk, but these days, he took longer, making sure no predators followed him home. His mother was too weak to run afterall, and while he had worked hard to fortify the house, he still lived in the middle of the woods. Though he felt lucky, as from the news, the city was dangerous, crawling with thousands of monsters. The woods was vast, and there were very few, most being small. He assumed they used to be lizards and mice, due to size and features.
He made it home relatives uneventfully, the quiet sound of crickets chirping was reassuring, no large predators were nearby. The house looked just as he had left it, quiet, all lights were off. He carefully opened the door and slipped inside, shutting it behind him.
"Bero? Is that you." A weak voice called out, raspy and scared.
"Yes ma, it's me." He replied after a short pause.
"Where have you been I've-" She was cut out by a sharp burst of coughing, the sound of creaking coming from the back room, she was sitting up. "I've been calling you for hours." She said after catching her breath. "I was worried."
"Sorry ma, I had to hide, a monster was stalking me." He lied, he couldn't tell her the truth, he didn't want her to worry.
"Oh dear, are you alright?" She said, her voice quivering.
"Yes, I'm fine. I'll get your medicine and some water." He walked to the kitchen, grabbing a jug of water from the fridge and carefully pouring her a glass. He then walked into the bedroom, where she sat, she'd already found and opened her medicine, taking out two round pills. As she heard him come in she held out her hand.
"Here you go ma." Bero carefully placed the glass in her hand, and she slowly sipped from it.
"Thank you dear... you didn't get hurt did you?" She asked setting the glass down and reaching out her hand, searching for his.
"No ma." He grabbed it and knelt down beside her, his eyes looking in to her couldy orbs. He could see her, but she couldn't see him. She'd lost her sight years ago, not long after Bero had been born. She couldn't see the state he was in, and for once, he was greatful she was blind.
"That's good, I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." She smiled softly, tears streaming down her face.
"I'm fine ma, now it's late." He glanced at the clock, it read 2:30am. "Imma wash up and get some sleep too okay." He helped her get comfortable before gently tucking her in. "Call me if you need anything."
"Thank you dear." She said as she, rolled over to get comfortable.
Bero sighed and turned, walking out the door and closing it gently behind him. He brought his hand up to his nose, he'd never noticed it before, but the scent of her sickness was unbearable. He felt like vomiting, they were running low on medicine too, it made him want to cry, but he couldn't.
Bero stood there at the door for a moment, composing himself and walking into the bathroom, flicking the light on. It was bright and hurt his eyes for a few moments. He took off his shirt completely, wanting to look for any injuries, he walked over to the mirror, and once more, stood still. He'd wondered why he'd felt so uncomfortable and back had been itchy. He'd grown fur on hos back, it was slate grey with a lighter undertone. It was spikey and ridged, like a main on a hyena, thinning out and ending on his shoulders. It ran down the entire length of his back. He also found he had a tail, and he could move it like any of his limbs, though it took more focus than moving his legs or arms. It was decently long and fluffy, and he barely noticed it was there. While trying to test its range of motion he knocked over a cube on the sink, the sound of it hitting the floor starling him. He felt something move on his back, parting the fur and sticking up were several hard spines. They were bone white and moved at will, traveling down his back and even on his tail. They also moved involuntarily, something that would be an issue later. "This is, odd." He said with another sigh. "But easy enough to hide at least." He had to go into the city tomorrow to find more medicine and supplies, it was going to be dangerous, but he couldn't avoid it, his mother would die without this medicine. Bero just hoped he still had a hat to cover his ears, there were still humans in the city afterall, and they would no doubt kill him if they saw him looking like this. He was an abomination, and he was terrified. He tried not to think about it, and just got undressed and ready to shower.

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