Blocked XXI

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In a dark, cold chambers,  dishonored husks on the ground, sparks flying, lights flashing, Benjamin found himself strapped to a table, unable to move a muscle. He was terrified, also confused.

Ben: (Where am I? What is this place? Where did those giant hands take me?) Hello? Anyone!?

Benjamin tried moving but his effort was useless since he couldn't move at all.

???: Hey, be quiet! so noisy!

Ben turns his head to the voice and sees a man in chains.

Chained man: You're going to attract the "woke samurai" if you keep making so much noise.

Ben: The what?

???: He's talking about Cory.

Benjamin turns his head to the left and sees another chained up man, only younger and a woman.

Chained man: Great, you woke up the boy with the karen haircut.

Boy: For the last time, it is not a karen haircut!

Ben: I hate to interrupt your argument, but who are you? Where are we? And why are we chained and bound?

Boy: To answer your first question, I'm Aaron. She calls herself "Cura." And that guy over there is Luan Jaguar. A self proclaimed "Last survivor of real men in modern era." But really, he's a degenerate from Greece that breeds hate speeches.

Luan: HAHAHAHA! "Degenerate?" You two are the real degenerates here. He's strapped to a table, she's a woman, you're in your underwear.

Aaron: That's because I took a shower before I was abducted by the hands!

Luan: Yeah right. You were probably-

Ben: ENOUGH! You still need to answer my last two questions.

Cura: Where we are? We are in a place where experiments are made. Where these "dishonored" people were once made.

Ben: "Once?"

Cura: Yes. Cory first created the dishonored with a few of his prisoners. He made a breakthrough when he learned they can infected other people in a single bite.

Aaron: So basically, Cory created zombies and you will turn into one in exactly twelve seconds. I counted.

Luan: And as for your last question, we are his new lab rats.

Ben: We're about to get experimented on!?

Aaron: Yes. We were specifically chosen for our unforgivable act, according to him.

Luan: Speak for yourself, Gayron. The reason I was sent here because he couldn't handle the truth about how everyone disappearing is his fault.

Aaron: Anyway, table guy, what's your story? What are you in for?

Ben: Well, my name is Benjamin-

Luan: A fitting name for a beta such as yourself.

Ben: Shut up! The last thing I remember was doing research about the people going missing...

~Flashback, Benjamin's POV~

I've been looking for clues or leads or anything that point me in the right direction, but I found nothing. I haven't slept for three days, now I know how Frank West felt.

I didn't plan on giving up. I continue searching and hours later, I found something that is related to the kidnapped victims. I learned it was done by a ritual summon. It was weird considering Cory was not into something that would be considered "demonic."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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