Part Three

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For the rest of the summer, Harry did that. He read everything he could on veelas; it wasn't a lot, though, seeing as few veelas were giving out information about their kind. He did learn some new spells and many other things he couldn't learn, with Hermione looking over his shoulder and distracting his studies.

Harry watched as the other students started to climb onto the Hogwarts Express. He had gotten there earlier than the others to avoid them, wearing a slight glamor to hide his new features.

He cast a locking and silencing charm on the cabin before taking out a new book from his trunk to read during the trip. Over the summer, he bought a new wardrobe and belongings before staying at the leaky Cauldron.

Halfway through the first chapter, he saw something move outside his cabin window. Looking up, he saw Ron and Hermione waving at him through the glass. Harry rolled his eyes before standing up and going to the door. He watched their lips move, but no sound came through the door because of his silencing charm.

Harry gave them a smug smile before pulling down the curtain before the window and returning to his spot. He looked out the window at the scenery before reading his book.

When the train stopped, Harry quickly changed into his robe and exited. He quickly made his way to the carriages and sat on an already occupied one.

The carriage moved forward, and he looked back to see Hermoine and Ron staring at him from where the carriage had just been.

They got to the castle, and Harry jumped off and made his way into it. A feeling of warmth came over him, which he knew was the Hogwarts magic.

He went to the Great Hall and sat at the end of the table closest to the door. He watched as the other students all came in. Everyone looked at him, whispering to each other. 

He looked towards the head table and saw Dumbledor sitting there, staring at him with the stupid grandfather twinkle in his eye. He felt two other people sitting beside him and sighed when he knew exactly who they were.

"Harry, why have you been avoiding us?" Hermione asked, glaring at him.

Harry scoffed and looked towards the door that had just opened to let in the first years. Harry made it through the sorting ceremony, ignoring his two so-called friends, who kept trying to get his attention.

When the ceremony was done, Harry looked over at the Slytherin table. His eyes spotted a familiar blonde-headed boy with gray eyes. Harry watched as the boy talked with his friends, laughing at whatever it was they said.

He couldn't tell why, but he felt connected to him for some reason. Draco looked up at him and scowled when he saw Harry looking at him. Their eyes met, and Harry felt a surge of protectiveness rush through him and the need to take care of him.

Confused, Harry shook his head and looked away. He looked down at his plate, which was now filled with food, even though he hadn't filled it. "Who did this?" He asked.

"I did. You need to eat, Harry; you can't skip meals," Hermione said, and Harry looked at her with a raised brow.

He pushed the food away from him and stood, making his way out of the hall. He had returned to Gringotts a lot over the summer, going to all his vaults and reading books from the founder's vaults. He learned that he could request his own private rooms because he was the lord of Hogwarts.

Harry placed his hand on the wall and thought about what he wanted. He felt a light breeze and the castle's magic leading him. Harry made his way from the Great Hall, and near the entrance of the dungeons, he stopped there and looked at the painting.

It was a painting of Salazar Slytherin. The portrait opened, and Harry quickly stepped inside. He looked around the room. Where he stood was a living room. It had Slytherin colors and comfortable-looking furniture. A sofa and loveseat were placed in front of the fireplace, and a small dining table with four chairs around it was on the other side of the room. There was also a bookshelf filled with many books.

Harry went into the next room to see a small kitchen. He walked back to the living room and went to the other side where two doors stood; one he noticed when he opened the door was a large bathroom with a large bathtub and a shower.

The next was a bedroom with Slytherin colors and a king-size canopy bed. It had a dark green carpet and a desk by a magical window; Harry looked around the room and smiled, loving it. He pulled his shrunken trunk from his pocket and placed it at the foot of the bed. He enlarged the trunk and unpacked everything before laying on his bed for a nap.


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Word count: 823

Re-published: April 24, 2024, 6:30 am

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