Chapter 02

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A sigh passed from me without even realising. All in all, I'm stuck here anyway. So why not take my time to explore and figure things out. Whatever that was going on might have a valid reason.

I turned slowly to leave. But suddenly stopped. There, in the shadows near the entrance to the ballroom, a figure stood.

Very upright, average height, sharp and dressed in a plain suit. Like it belonged in a different timeline.. I don't know. It was shadowy where he was standing.

I took a breath and started to move slowly towards the entrance. If I cower now, I won't be a survivor in this story.

I kept taking small steps. With each step, I came closer and closer and closer to the figure. Just as I tried to walk out of the doorway, he suddenly held my hand. It was warm, yet somehow, it commanded authority. I tried to twist my hand slowly. But the grip only tightened even further.

"I would like to have a talk.... walk with me"...

The mysterious man said. I bet my left kidney, this was the so-called General in the house. I nodded. I felt like an imposter big time. I don't know.. I just ... I don't know.. I was panicking. I mean, I might not be the person he thought I was.....

I let him lead the way.

Surprisingly, he actually walked towards the big double doors at the front entrance hall, which I failed to open..... What was he up to?...

But something else distracted me. With more light in the living area, I can see his back and side profile.

Immediately, lighting struck me. It was utterly baffling. I know this man!... But how..? Where have I seen him?.... Who was this man? Why do I feel so familiar in his presence...? Maybe it's the body's reaction. Like muscle memory,  this body I'm in recognised him.

He opened the heavy doors and walked out, still holding my hand. I followed. He climbed down the front steps. And behold!... A wonderful sight blessed me.

Butterflies everywhere.

Flowers everywhere.

It's like a dream land.

My goodness, where am I?

It was a paradise!...

I also figured something else as well. I'm not in the same city or region where I was. This looked like the Highlands.. countryside with a touch of modernity.....

Then again, I got disracted. I was awed by everything.

He kept walking. I kept following.

"You seemed surprised to see all this! Are you alright?" A deep masculine voice with a hint of authority asked me.

"Aw, mm.. I'm just... I..  just... I think I can't remember much."

I thought of telling the truth sightly omitted details was the best way to respond to him. I knew his type.. even though I haven't met in person, this sort of people... I knew they highly valued the truth, and they should be able to trust anyone. A slight suspicion can even cost you your life.

So yes.. this is the best way to answer this man.

"I see... do you remember what happened? "

"Mm .... MinMin told me that I tried to run away and fell down and... and I.... hit my head."

"OH..! Haha.. that's MinMin's version, I guess.. That's not what  happened. At least.... the fell down part. I actually knocked you out with my gun."

I suddenly stopped. What? He knocked me out?

What in the hell???!.... Is he crazy?

Was he even human..?

Maybe I'm being too dramatic..

Am I, though?

Why would he do that? Is he insane?

I immediately took a step back.

"What...? Do you want to run again? Every time you run, I will bring you back... and I can repeat until you give up. So don't try to act tough and strong. You are my wife, no matter how many times I have to tell you that, to you, even if you agree or not."

"You can't own a person like that!" I shouted.

Well, that was a mistake. Because he suddenly  turned and peered into my face. He was handsome up close. He looked sharp, too, Asian descent, black hair combed to the side, bright chocolate eyes, full lips, and high cheeckbones. He was perfect.

And then I remembered that I was not this perfect. I'm more of tanned skinned, sightly curvy, and chocolate eyes... I have acne on my cheeks, and I look stressed all the time.

That's when I realised this was why we don't belong with each other. He looked perfect. I looked like a mediocre, some girl who belongs in the small world.

"Well, I own you. Flesh, blood,  mind, and spirit .... this life. Next life. Life after and after that too... wherever you go I will find you. You can't escape. Sooner, you realise, easier for everyone...."....

What was wrong with this man?

But I dare not open my mouth. As much as he looked handsome, he was fierce, too. Worse comes to plauly..., Now that's a side I did not want to poke and check, yet.

"I.. I'm sorry... I didn't mean it."

Well, so much for that....

He slowly stood up. And then he said something that actually hit the nail in my coffin.

"You can't jump timelines anymore. While you were out, your ability was neutralised. You can run wherever you want now in this land only. And in this time line only. Also, you can't go out without guards or a butler. If I find out that you have broken these rules, there will be hell to pay. Consequences... Little moon... Remember that!"

"What do you mean?.."

"You think I don't know? How was your life as a teacher? Did you enjoy it?"

I was dumbstruck just like that. Wow.. so he knows..

"Wait, so you know that I'm not your wife... right?"

"What makes you say that?" He looked slightly annoyed.

"Well, you know I was a teacher, and I am a totally different person."

"I did not hit you too hard. I just knocked you out. Why do you have a memory loss? Or are you pretending?"

"No.. no.. I'm not pretending. I can not really remember. All I remember is that I was hit by a vehicle, and boom, I'm suddenly here."

He gave me a look. And smiled.. But the smile was off.. like sinister yet not malicious. "Good. I guess this time, then it was a blessing."

I don't know what he meant by that, but I had to find information.. and I had to do it fast.

"So, mm.. where is my phone?"

It was an empty question. Even though everything seemed from a different timeline, it could be an old money vibe, too. I'm a drowning man here..

"You will not have access to anything until you learn to behave."

"So I do have a phone?"

He then gave me a weird look and turned towards left, and started walking again. He still held my hand. I tried to break his grip once again. But once again he tightened the hold further.

I have been single for a long time in the other timeline, so this was rather suffocating. What am I supposed to do now?

He kept walking.. and I kept following...

Suddenly, we came to a river bank.

Now, this place raised my fine hair... goosebumps started popping up so fast... What was wrong with me now????

What was it about this place???... Something was not right. I looked up at his face innocently.

And he was already staring at me. It seemed his demeanour was not changing at all... He was not melting. He was a solid rock wall. It's going to take a lot of effort to break him down...

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