Chapter 08

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Why would he do that? Is he insane?  What the hell....!!! I immediately took a step back.

"What...? Do you want to run again? Every time you run, I bring you back... and I can repeat until you give up. So don't try to act tough and strong. You are my wife, no matter how many times I have to tell you that to you even if you agree or not."

"You can't own a person like that!" I shouted.

Well, that was a mistake. Because he suddenly  turned and peered into my face. He was handsome up close. He looked sharp, Asian descent, black hair combed to the side, hawk like eyes, and full mouth. He was perfect.

And I remembered I am not. I'm more of tanned skinned, sightly curvy, and chocolate eyes... I have acne on my cheeks, and I look stressed all the time.

That's when I realised this is why we don't belong with each other. He looked perfect. I looked like a mediocre, some girl who belongs in the small world.

"Well, I own you. Flesh, blood,  mind, and spirit .... this life. Next life. Life after and after that too... wherever you go I will find you. You can't escape. Faster, you realise, easier for everyone."....

What is wrong with this man? Is he dumb? But I dare not open my mouth. As much as he looked handsome, he was fierce, too. Now that's a side I did not want to poke and check.

"I.. I'm sorry... I didn't mean it." That's what came out of my pathetic mouth. Well, so much for that... He slowly stood up. And then he said something that actually hit the nail in my coffin.

"You can't jump timelines anymore. While you were out, your ability was neutralised. You can run wherever you want now in this land only. And in this time line only. Also, you can't go out without guards or a butler. If I find out that you have broken this rule, there will be hell to pay."

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