Chapter 03

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Why was he staring at me. But it was more like he was looking through me... Like searching for something in me.....

"What is this place? Why did you bring me here?"

"OH, this was your favourite place. Don't you like it here anymore?"

"No... We need to leave. Something is off. Please!"

"Are you telling me that you don't know this place? Huh?"

He suddenly pulled me towards him.

No. Nooo.. no.... "Stop!"

I tried to twist my arms in his hold, and it was clearly impossible to break his grip. To my utter horror, he suddenly pushed me a little forward. I nearly lost balance and fell into the water. But somehow he held me...

"Aaahhh... Help me..!! Help!!!.."

I tried to, desperately, hang on to his arm. And surprisingly let me. He was behind me now holding onto me. And he softly muttered in my ear, "Remember very well this feeling, I hope you don't have to experience it again...."

Then he hugged me.

I was crying. I didn't even realise when I started. But I was shedding tears... Huge sobs shook me. I was holding onto his arm like my very life depended on it. Well, in this predicament, it actually did.

When I calmed down, he held me a little while longer and turned around, and started to walk away from the black water... that's what I'm going to call that river....

Black Water...

He held my hand gently. I suddenly realised another thing. Maybe... he actually loved me. He was actually tortured when he lost me....

I looked up at his face again. And I saw calm eyes.. they looked happy and content... I felt a little relieved  then.

What was wrong with me..??

By the time we reached the mansion, it was already late afternoon.

"Are you hungry?" He asked gently.

"No.. " I said.

And he kept walking.. and I kept following...

He walked up the stairs and went to the same side I was at... Down the hallway, he walked.. He stopped at a door.

This door was sightly bigger than the other ones. Master was carved on the wood. He opened the door and walked in.

I stepped in after him. It was a comfortable looking suite type room. There was a huge hearth and a sofa in front of it. This must be his room.

But why am I here?

"Come sit with me." He said, walking towards the sofa. I sat down next to him. I was looking up at the ceiling and around when suddenly he tugged me. And I fell onto his lap.

"I missed you. And I still have to make sure you stay forever."

Ookay... what was he up to now...?

I tried to push him back...

He was like a wall.

"Why do you have that look?" He asked.

"I .... I... I don't know you..." He suddenly laughed. He just laughed in my face.

Then he sealed his mouth on me. I was still in shock with his laugh it took me a minute to realise what was happening. I struggled harder to escape.

"I will knock you out so that I can knock you up.... Stop struggling and let go..."

I was in more shock. What the actual hell was happening.???.. What was wrong with him...?? Was this for real.?

I couldn't breathe. He kept on kissing me without a hint of giving up. He took my hands and pulled them up above my head. The grip was too strong to break off. I wonder what's in his diet, or am I that weak.

Then he moved his hand up my leg and lifted my dress. I was trying hard not to give in. He pulled my underwear down. This escalated faster than I initially  anticipated. 
I tried to close my legs, which then he opened  with his leg and wedged between me. I knew I could not escape this.

What else am I supposed to do? He removed my panty clean off, and he removed his own pants. All the while, he kept on kissing me. Then he touched me. It was like a lightening. He slowly started exploring me with his free hand.

A sudden whimper left my mouth. I did not expect my body to be this responsive to an unknown man. In my perspective, I'm yet to regain my memory. So, in my defence, I didn't know him.

He lifted my dress further up, and I could feel him near my entrance... I panicked... But I also felt the need in my body. In the end, I stopped struggling.  And he felt that. I felt his smile in the kiss... and then he slowly entered me. It was slow and steady. I felt everything. It was like I was alive and happy.. I have not felt this way for a long time. He kept  going. And small whimpers and moans fell from my mouth. I was happy.. I was home.

What? I'm home? What home?

I realised that I belonged here. But still, for some reason, I still did not agree and wanted to accept this..

He was gentle... What is wrong with me??? I'm out of my mind.

Suddenly, the urge to run was back again.

He quickly pushed my shoulder down. I looked at him. "You are trying to run again? Not a chance. This time, you are not moving even a step without my knowledge."

I felt a kind of fear that you feel when you know you are going to the prison. I haven't been to prison. But I can imagine how that feels like. This...  this is how you would feel. The only thing that might be different is that there's better food and a bed to sleep here.

"No... I'm not... I was.. thinking... something else..."

"Really... Would you like to share your 'thinking' with me.."

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. Because I knew if I opened my mouth, I would fail miserably. I'm not a good liar. He kept on going on without breaking his pace. He seemed to be content and happy. He even looked different. It was like he won something after a long time. I don't know how to explain it.

But when he climaxed in me, he looked heavenly. He looked at me from his kneeling poisition. "My little moon...." he whispered in a loving voice. Then he caressed my face with one hand.

"Sleep.. " he was ordering me.

"I.. I don't want to..."

"But you have no choice in the matter. Sleep... I will be here when you wake up."

"But...." I tried to protest... and the only thing I saw before darkness was his hand moving in a flash.

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