Part Twenty-One

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With Severus, Remus, and Sirius

Severus rushed down the hall and into the bedroom he stayed in when he was at Malfoy Manor. He entered the room and locked the door behind him. He leaned against the door and took a deep breath. He heard footsteps coming down the hall and moved from the door and towards the bed. He went around the bed and sat on the side furthest from the door.

Sighing, he slouched forward, dropping his head in his hands. He ran his shaky hands through his hair. He had done so well at avoiding them for so many years. Without realizing it, he dropped his glamor. His hair grew down to the middle of his back, his cheekbones became more defined, and his skin got paler.

He heard the footsteps go past his door, and his shoulders relaxed slightly, that is, until his door flew open, banging against the wall. He didn't bother moving. He looked over his shoulder at the two men standing in the doorway before turning away and looking out the window across from his bed.

"Severus," Remus called softly, but the man just shook his head.

The two doms shared a look before going around the bed. Sirius sat on the bed beside him, and Remus got down on his knees in front of him, all while Severus avoided looking at them. "Severus, look at me. Please," the long-haired man said, taking a deep breath before looking down at the werewolf with so much pain in his eyes that Remus felt his chest clench so tight that he almost couldn't breathe.

"We have a lot of explaining to do," Remus said; he settled in front of Severus on the floor.

"It doesn't matter," Severus said. You will reject me; you both hate me. It's no secret." He finished standing up and went to step away, but arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him back into a lap, making him stiff.

"We don't hate you, Severus," Sirius mumbled, pulling him closer as he shuffled on the bed, leaning back against the headboard with the vampire on his lap.

Severus shuffled, trying to get away, but a growl from the werewolf crawling on the bed stopped him. "Severus, we are going to explain, and I want you to listen, okay?" Remus asked gently, but his voice still held some dominance, and the other man nodded.

"When we started Hogwarts, we noticed you. In the first years, we were scared to go against the rules of not being friends with Slytherins. So, we waited until the second year and decided to try after Christmas. We noticed that you had your special tree at the edge of the black lake, and you would go there instead of going to lunch or just when you needed some time. We tried to meet you there, but the few times we tried, Dumbledore showed up." Remus said Severus's head snapped up.

"He kept giving us excuses or things to do every time we tried to approach you. After a few attempts, he gave you these little red bracelets. He told us never to take them off; at the time, we didn't question it because we were just happy to be receiving a gift from him. After that, the only thing we could feel toward you was hatred. At the end of our final year, I lost mine and I realized that I couldn't muster any feeling of hate towards you, I secretly took Sirius and had it tested. I found out it had a hate and loyalty spell on it. We put two and two together fairly quickly. We didn't tell anyone because who would believe us? And we knew you detested and avoided us, so that was out." Remus explained, and he moved closer to the two and sat over Sirius's stretched-out legs.

"We are really sorry, Severus," Sirius whispered, tightening his arms around Snape's waist and burying his face in his neck. "You have no idea how ashamed we were after we found out," he said.

He lifted his head from the vampire's shoulder, raised a hand to Severus' chin, and moved his head back so they were facing each other. "How long have you known that we were your mates? I can tell you knew by the look on your face before you ran," Sirius said. Severus sighed, pulled away slightly, and Sirius let him.

Severus climbed off him and sat beside them, "Since the train ride home after the seventh year," he said, "I wanted to be alone, so I was looking for an empty car, and I had accidentally opened the door to your car. You were making out, so you didn't notice. Your scents hit me immediately. I shut the door before you noticed and went to the next cart, which was empty. And I stayed there for the rest of the ride."

Remus reached out a hand and placed it on Severus', and Sirius did the same, "I know we didn't start out the way we should, but can we maybe start over?" Sirius asked, and Severus looked up at them, looking deep into their eyes, before nodding.

"Thank you," Remus said, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. "We should probably go find Harry; he is probably confused," Sirius said, climbing off the bed and helping the sub to his feet.

"Harry is smarter than he gets credit for; I'm sure he figured it out," Remus said, taking Severus's hand and leading him out the door.

They found Harry and Tom in the library, sitting on the couch. Harry immediately walked up to Severus and Hugged him. "Are you ok?" Harry asked softly, pulling away, and Severus nodded.

Harry turned to look at Sirius and Remus with a serious look on his face. "I'm glad you found your sub," he said. But hurt him, intentionally or not, and I will make you feel it tenfold," he said before going back to sit beside Tom on the couch.


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Word count: 987

Re-published: April 24, 2024, 3:30 pm

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