Part Twenty-Eight

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It was the day of the meeting, and Harry had to admit he was nervous. He woke up to the sound of talking and opened his eyes to see Lucius and Draco sitting on the bed next to him in deep conversation. Draco looked to be in distress as Lucius spoke softly to him.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, making them turn to him.

"I found my mate," Draco said, less happy than Harry expected him to be.

"Who is it?" He asked, sitting up and shuffling closer to them.

"Tom," Draco said, and Harry looked at him in shock.

"Well, how did you find out?" He asked, and Draco bowed his head.

"A few days ago, While you guys were here, locked away. I felt a pain in the night, and I went through my inheritance. I got flashes of this scene, and I realized I was seeing it from my mate's point of view. They were at the raid in Diagon Alley and got hit with a powerful spell. When I woke up, I realized I had gone through my inheritance. When I came here this morning, the first person I saw was Tom; everything in me screamed, mate. The look on his face told me he already knew, but he didn't tell me." Draco explained, "Does he not want me?" He asked, and Lucius wrapped his arms around him.

"Baby Dragon, You can't say that. We all know that Tom thinks differently from everyone else. If he does something, he has a reason. He thinks everything through. Just talk to him," Lucius said, and Draco sighed.

"What do I even say?" Draco asked softly.

"You could start by telling him how you feel; just be honest, and everything will work out," Harry said, and Draco nodded.

"And if that doesn't work, you can tell him about the crush you have had on him." Lucius teased, and Draco blushed darkly.

"Dad," He whined as he stood and quickly made his way out of the room.

The two laughed as the door closed behind the young elf. Harry moved close to Lucius and cast a silent tempus. "We have a half-hour before we leave." He said, leaning his head on Lucius's shoulder.

"Are you sure you'll be okay with this?" Lucius asked, and Harry nodded.

They climbed out of bed and quickly showered before entering the sitting room. Where Draco, Bellatrix, and two other death eaters stood.

They waited a few minutes before Tom came in; Harry caught the look Draco shot at Tom before the older man started to go over the plan to ensure everyone was on the same page.

"Alright. Let's go," Tom said before applying a glamor to himself and disappearing. The other followed suit soon after.

Harry and Lucius kiss quickly before casting a glamor and apparating to the ministry. They then separate, go to their hiding spots, and wait.

Thirty minutes later, they watched as the order appeared along with Severus and his two mates. They waited a few minutes for Severus to bind Albus before they moved in and bound the rest.

The Order members started to yell as they noticed they had been bound. "Severus, what is the meaning of this?" Molly sneered as she trashed on the floor next to her husband and daughter.

Just then, head Auror Amelia Bones came forward with a few others to see what the commission was about. "What is going on here?" she asked loudly, seeing the five people on the floor in the middle of the crowd.

"Auror Bones, I would like to press charges against these five people," Harry said, stepping forward as he dropped his glamor, causing the people surrounding them to gasp.

"Harry Potter?" the head Auror was confused, "What are your charges?" she asked after getting over the initial shock.

"Money has been stolen from my vaults for the past seven years, spells have been cast upon me without my knowledge, and potions are being fed to me to make me a poppet for them to use as they please. Illegal marriage contracts are being made between me and Ginevra Weasley, even though I am a creature. And for blocks on my magic and abilities," Harry started, and the room was silent.

"What? Harry, that's not true. You are like a son to us," Molly exclaimed, and Harry cringed.

"Do you have any proof of this?" Amelia asked, and Harry nodded as Lucius came forth and handed her the papers he had received from Gringotts.

"These papers have a list of all the potions, spells, and blocks that Albus cast on me, as well as the amount of money they had taken from me over the years without my knowledge," Harry said, and the Auror read the papers over.

"How can I know that these aren't fake?" She asked skeptically, handing the papers over to another Auror.

"Of course they are fake, Amelia, my dear," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling in a way Harry thought was pathetic now that he knew the truth.

Harry thought for a moment before taking out his wand. "I swear on my magic that all you have heard and seen today has been true," he said, then waved his wand, leaving a green trail of light in the air.

The people gathered around gasped as some glared at Dumbledore. "I also want to press charges of neglect against Dumbledore for leaving me in an abusive muggle home with people who hate magic. He also paid them to beat me into submission so I would be easy for him to keep under his thumb when he took me from there because I would see him as my savior." Harry said, and the Auror looked horrified.

"We would have to give them a trial with veritaserum before officially pressing charges," Bones said, and Severus stepped forward.

"I would be able to help with that right now, Miss Bones," He said, pulling a vial of veritaserum out of his robes.

"Severus Snape?" Amelia asked, looking him over before nodding for him to give the potion to Dumbledore. Dumbledore struggled against the binds but was eventually force-fed the potion.

Amelia stepped forward, ready to question him as his eyes grew glossy.


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Word count: 1008

Re-published: April 24, 2024, 7 pm

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