Chapter I.

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*Uranus' diary*
"Its a peaceful day in the solar system (it always is), but, weird things have been happening in the Kuiper Belt, the asteroids have been shifting from their orbit and moving into the inner part of the solar system, or some even disappear, this debris can hurdle to the Rocky planets if they get pulled in by all the gas giants' + Sun's gravity, they hurdle closer.. And closer.. Until an asteroid bombardment happens.. And, there is this.. Weird, white, foggy, mist, lurking in the Kuiper Belt.. I'm worried about Neptune.. He is dangerously close to the Kuiper Belt.. That.. Thing, lurking there might get him.. I'm scared."

(End of diary)

*Uranus put his diary away and just kept staring at the Kuiper Belt.. The white fog was there.. Again.. As always.. Uranus thought he just might have been going crazy, he decided to talk to his friend Saturn*

Uranus: Hey Saturn!.

Saturn: Oh, hey there Uranus! Are you okay? You look like you haven't been sleeping, wait, we don't even sleep anyway-, but are you alright?.

Uranus: Have you seen that fog thing in the Kuiper Belt?. That thing has been lurking there for days, it might be knocking the asteroids off their orbit hurdling near the inner parts of the solar system.. I'm worried about Neptune, he is dangerously close to the Kuiper Belt.

*Saturn had a bit of a confused look on his face, but calmed Uranus down*

Saturn: Uranus, Neptune will be fine, it's probably just your imagination, maybe it's just the sun's gravity, after all, he will turn into a red giant very soon, it's possibly that, and also that these months/years his solar flares have been pretty active, maybe it's just that! Don't you worry Uranus!

*Uranus felt a bit calmer now, he thanks Saturn and went back to his orbit, he still saw that fog.. Until then, the fog knocked and asteroid out it's path, luckily Uranus caught it, now Uranus knew this wasn't imaginary.. It's real, maybe Jupiter will help..*

*suddenly, the fog disappears into the shadows, it will soon come from them, no planet knows yet.. And it'll infect them bit, By, Bit.*

Uranus: Oh god.. JUPITER!.

*Uranus hurdled towards Jupiter's orbit, Jupiter was there reading his book until he got interrupted by Uranus, but he doesn't mind*

Jupiter: What's the issue, Uranus?

Uranus: There is this weird creepy white fog thing in the Kuiper Belt and it keeps knocking off the asteroids from it's orbit.. I'm worried that thing might get Neptune..

*Jupiter seemed again, confused like Saturn, but Jupiter calms Uranus down and suggests to head on over to Neptune's orbit to see this.. "Weird white fog thing"*

Jupiter: Hmm.. I don't know what you mean.. I've never heard of this before, but you shouldn't worry, Neptune will be okay, I'll go with you to check it out

Uranus: Thank you so much Jupiter!!.

Jupiter: Of course!

*They head to Neptune's orbit, and there it was, the white fog*

Jupiter: ... What is that..

Uranus: It's.. It's the white fog..

*the fog/mist disappeared into the shadows again*

Jupiter: Oh Lord we have to tell Neptune before its too late..

*they go to check on Neptune, but he is no where in his orbit, that fog might have gotten to him already..*

*but they see something blue glow in the corner near of the Kuiper Belt, it's Neptune! But he seems.. Off..*


Jupiter: Phew we thought you've been caught! Listen- wait..

Uranus: Neptune?.

Jupiter: ... Uranus, I think.. This fog.. Is.. A virus..

*Neptune laughs*

Neptune: Haha! What do you mean? I'm perfectly okay!

*Neptune's Trident shimmers behind his back and he throws it at Uranus unexpectedly*


*the trident went right through Uranus, since he is an ice giant OBVIOUSLY 💀💀*



*Jupiter grabbed Uranus and dragged him away Quickly, though,the Trident wasn't meant to kill Uranus.. But to infect him, it will slowly take over Uranus.. Soon and surely..*

*once they got out of Neptune's orbit, Jupiter stops dragging Uranus and takes a breather for a second, wait there is no air in spac-*

Jupiter: *sigh*.. Are you okay, Uranus?.

*Uranus coughs a bit, but he replies*

Uranus: I'm good.. Ugh I just need a moment I feel so weak..

*Yes that is a symptom, I'll go over all the symptoms later in Chapter II, and this apocalyptic virus is called- uh.. I don't know, give me some ideas I the comments, if you want, or not, I don't really care I'll just call it "The White Fog" or "The Infectious Fog"*

Jupiter: Go get some rest okay.. I'll go back in my orbit now..

*Uranus continues to cough a bit, but violently, Jupiter is worried, Uranus might gotten infected by Neptune..*

Jupiter: ... Okay.. See you around, Uranus..

*Jupiter hurdles slowly to his orbit, Saturn was waiting for him*

Saturn: Welcome back, so, is that white fog thing real?

Jupiter: It is.. And we better stay away from it..

*Saturn seems confused and worried*

Saturn: ..What's wrong? What happened?.

Jupiter: It's just..

*Jupiter sighs*

Jupiter: ..That white fog.. Is like an apocalypse, it's.. Like a virus.. Neptune was infected by it since he was dangerously close to it..

*Saturn seemed shocked, she didn't believe Jupiter's words at all*

Saturn: What?. No that can't be right..

*Jupiter looks at her*

Jupiter: It is.. The solar system is doomed, I think Uranus might have been infected too.. He was coughing violently when I left..

Saturn: Oh no.. What are we gonna do?.

Jupiter: .. I don't know..


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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