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It was another boring ass day at the casino when Alex and Michelle go on their 15 minute break. Alex trips over a big fat fucking puddle of grease in the break room and Michelle is laughing her ass off. Then the ceiling above Michelle cracks and a giant man covered in grease and body odor falls through the ceiling on top of Michelle. The man starts screaming and crying hysterically "I LOVE YOU MICHELLE I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU WONT JUST GO ON A DATE WITH ME BY YOURSELF". Michelle lets out a big fat fucking wheeze because her lungs are filled with grease and she's basically turned purple at this point. Alex realizes who this giant greasy man is and grabs a giant spatula and throws his fat ass on the grill. This man was so greasy that his skin turned to a crisp immediately and he suffered from third degree burns all over his entire body. Michelle wakes up and says to Alex "what happened"? Alex points to the grill and Michelle's jaw drops to the floor. Michelle has realized Alex just unalived her high school stalker Dylan Cuntycrunch. Alex and Michelle's boss Milka Lola walk into the break room with a lamb cake to celebrate Alex and Michelle's fifth year of working at the casino but she drops it on the floor because she's so terrorized at what she has just walked into. Milka calls the cops and Alex is sent to Fullster county correctional facilities for murder and Michelle is sent to Apple Regional medical hospital because she is gasping for air because there is still grease stuck in her lungs. Alex arrives at his jail cell and is confronted by his cell mate a large white man eating donuts with a trump hat on. The man says to Alex "we don't like murderers around here. Get on the floor and put your hands behind your back". Meanwhile, Michelle is laying down on a stretcher in the hospital room connected to an IV, and her throat begins to swell up and her face becomes so incredibly itchy. At this point she's so irritated and fed up because she hasn't got her fix. Michelle yanks the IV bag down from where it's hanging and pulls out a giant vape juice box out of her pocket. Michelle pours the entire canister of vape juice into her IV and seconds later she passes out and is foaming from the mouth unconscious..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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