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bright and early the next morning, harry and draco were screaming at each other. over what? oh harry, hermione and ron needing to leave to continue the rest of their little 'mission'.

their screaming match woke everyone up. yay.

"all im saying is- dont walk away from me, harry! can you listen to what youre saying right now."

"i know what im saying draco its my fucking mouth"

"woah woah woah no need for that language now is there" theo spoke up from the sofa, where he and aurora had slept the night before.

"fuck off, nott, i-"

"dont lash out on him too, hes trying to lighten the situation. listen to me! oh my- can you stop walking away from me!" draco shouted at his boyfriend as he walked away for the fifth time in the last 2 minutes, helplessly following him.

"draco youre not in control of what i fucking do alright!"

"i know." he spat out with gritted teeth "if you would just listen to me then you would know im trying to tell you, you and your little friends can leave to-"

"dont speak about them like that. theyre your friends too, you prick"

"oh we're name calling now are we?" draco catches harrys wrist to stop him from walking away again "you can leave tomorrow. we're safe here, are we not? youve been gone for months, harry. months. i just wanted to see you for a fucking day. nothing will happen within the next 24 hours"

"how do you know that?"

"because i know my father. and i know the dark lord."

"better than i do?"

"considering i was literally brought up around him, yes i would say i do"

"we're leaving."

"no youre not. hermione is hurt and ron is exhausted. youre not exactly doing your best are you?"

"fuck you"

"how about you?"

"woahhh!" theo says again from the sofa, clearly amused by their argument. its petty, everyones amused.

although most people still be in the space they slept in, they're listening. ofcourse theyre listening.

"not the time, malfoy. need i remind you of appropriate times to bring up stuff like that? or are you just as fucked up as your d-"

harry doesnt even get to finish his sentence before theos up and a punch is thrown

hermione runs down the stairs.

"give me it" she says, her hair still a mess from her sleep

"you fucking-" harry starts again, this time at theo

"give me it." she repeats

harry rolls his eyes and hands over a small fragment of metal and glass, kept together with a broken clasp, from his pocket to hermione. suddenly he feels really dizzy.

"go outside." she orders to harry as if shes his mother.

"fuck you all." he spits before he storms out of the small house.

"he- he didnt mean it. okay i know it sounds like it and he definitely- all im saying is i can explain"

draco is just stood. staring.

aurora stands up from the sofa and forcefully turnt her brother to face her.

"listen to hermione, he didnt mean it. youre not like him. you know that draco." she says as she tucks his head into her neck and hugs him.

he hugs her back, having to lean down a bit, which makes more effort for him but at least hes not completely zoned out anymore.

the words replaying in his head.

harry might not have finished his sentence but everyone knew what he was going to say.

twin telepathy must be real for the two to always know when somethings wrong.

theo was running his wrists under cold water, to calm himself down. as to not kill harry right then and there. because he would. he would do anything for those twins. his best friend. his girl.

when he joined the other 3 on the sofa again, hermione told the them about their situation and how harry had kept part of the locket with him even after it was destroyed. this was the first time he had lashed out since having it.

"i meant it when i said he didnt mean it. the locket was cursed and now i have it and dont know what the fuck to do with it."

"ill take it" ron said from the stairs

"absolutely not, not after last time. you can make me a tea though"

ron rolled his eyes but did it anyways.

"wouldnt it being destroyed and having the actual curse part removed make it- not cursed?" theo asked, clearly confused

"thats what i thought, which is why i didnt stop him from taking it. but he was getting more and more riled up with it than he was without it. it was just fustration at first and now hes- he snapped. i dont know what it is but i do know is that it was the locket."

"hermione granger, brightest which of our age, doesnt know something? thats something i didnt think id hear you say" ron snickers as he passes her the tea she had requested

"youre lucky i want to drink this because otherwise it would be all over you right now. go busy yourself with something, you're cluttering the air"

"yes ma'am" he stomped back up the stairs and into his brothers room.


yay :)

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