Chapter 1

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The sun araises early. The sun beams across the city, a few birds can be heard among the bit of traffic. A brown hair boy woke up and starts doing his usual morning routine. Sy brushes his teeth and takes a shower. He soon goes and gets into his school uniform. It's 7:40 so he has time. He makes a bowl of cereal and eats while checking the news.

"Is there anything new going to happen? ... I guess not." Sy spoke to himself.
He soon puts his bowl in the sink and washes his dishes. Then he heads to school. As he walks he smacks into his classmate Omini. Omini was the girl everyone would pick on for being weird. Sy never cared for her due to her just being human like everyone else.
"Hey! Watch where your going asshole!" Shouted Omini.
Sy just ignored her and kept walking. Omini just scoffs and walks to the bakery.

Soon Sy arrived to his class and sits down. As normal people just talking. It seems like a normal day once again. As normal Omini arrived late and sits down. The teacher just talks about how there will be a festival coming up for the school as it's nearly the end of the school year. Sy's best friend Kleav throws paper at Sy's head but he just ignored him. Once recess starts Sy walks to the roof where he sees Omini sitting down by herself. She is on her phone while she had some sort of cake sitting near her. Omini doesn't notice Sy at all, Sy just threw a rock at her.

"HEY! DON'T DO THAT ASSHOLE!" She shouted.
"Don't look so sad idiot..." Replied Sy
"I came up here because I can?" Said Sy
"Ugh... Your such a stupid idiot..." Muttered Omini.
Sy rolls his eyes and walks away. As he walks down he gets tackled by his friend Tam.

"Tam are you crazy!?" Shouted Sy
"Ow..." Responded Tam. Tam has always been the clumsy girl in Sy's group. Sadly she's friends with Omini so Sy knew where she was going.
"You need to pay more attention Tam...
"Mhm..." Nodded Tam. She then walks away. Kleav stands near with a smirk.
"... Say what you want dumbass..." Sy muttered
"You and Tam-"
"No we are not dating you stupid pervert. Now get your ass to the table... You know that Len gets panicky without us" Sy said as he drags Kleav. The two sit down with Len. Len is a pretty soft boy, many people talk about how he may be a femboy but no one has seen him wear feminine clothing so it's unlikely.

"Oh hey guys!" Shouted Len with a big smile
"Hey dude" said Kleav as he sits down. Sy rolls his eyes and sits down as he reads a book while Kleav and Len eats.
"Where's Omini and Tam?" Asked Len
"Don't tell me you want Omini with us..." Muttered Kleav
Sy kicks Kleav's leg. Kleav flinches in pain.

After along day Sy walks home from school. As he walks something hits his head. It's a random red diamond pendant. He picks it up and rolls his eyes. He walks to the jewelry store.

"Hey... This had just smacked me in the head and I'd like to ask if this came from here and if so to return it" Sy mentioned. The man at the counter grabs the pendant and examines the pendant.

"Hm... It seems to just be a blood ruby pendent, it doesn't seem very special but I'll buy it off you for $100, how does that sound?" Said the man.

"Yeah whatever... I'll sell it" said Sy. The man hands Sy $100, the man then puts the pendant into display as Sy leaves. As Sy walks home he sees Omini looking at the bakery.

"Don't you have a job?" Sy asked.
"But out..." Responded Omini. Sy rolls his eyes and leaves. Sy the arrives home and lays on the couch. He looks to the left at the Tv. The news talks about President Homandal as normal. Sy then sighs as he looks at the clock.
"Great... I got to get to work." Muttered Sy. Sy gets changed into his work uniform. Sy arrives to Mooncash and starts his shift. People order random coffees and food. Work wasn't eventful and Sy ends his shift. He arrives home and makes dinner, he eats dinner and enjoys the rest of his night before going to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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