Stars To Sky

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A vast darkness without twinkling stars. That was what his blurring vision was giving him. A ceasless darkness seizing him from within and dragging him further away into nothingness. That was what coughing blood prior around electrified sparks in a desolate situation indicated.

A darkness that felt very much like regret, sinking along with him giving off a heaviness that could never be taken off. Those regrets could have been forgotten for an easier life, maybe a bearable life but will always be rememebred for how important they were. Even now, with the darkness that was surely death could not stop the echoing voices of what came to be:

"An ambush. Quick, we need to-"

"- ... may you all stay safe."

"Too late! They have-"

"Go, you... you have to-"

"I need to-"


He wished he could forget but even death would never let him forego the memory, the last thoughts he would ever have out of inevitable death, because it was impossible for any chance to come alive, with a destroyed robot becoming waste in the vast space. His spacesuit would not give him any chance of life when floating about to inevitable doom with lack of oxygen, let alone the firing lasers that are still coming in the ongoing battle surrounding him.

He could barely hear Hokuto and Tsukasa screaming for his name. The Eichis that were still continuining this relentless assault. Annoyed as he was that he had to kick the bucket this way without truly fulfilling any revenge that he so desired, it had long been time to kick the bucket and to die fighting was a great way to go.

When he distantly saw a light unlike the twinking stars, he was sure that life was flashing his eyes. He could still remember when he was just a speck to space, living in a lowly planet and wanting to become an idol. The years that happened sailed by from a dream to crushed hopes, of bitterness and to dream again, from flying solo to becoming a unit and the final turning point, from orthodox idols to basically Transformers that lived for basically hundreds of years at this point.

The space project... the colony, it has been an ES venture only possible thanks to the Tenshouin zaibatsu. At first, a lot of people have decried Eichi for this, including his closest friends for wanting to achieve the insane and impossible of going to space and somehow making an idol venture there but in a shorter time than anyone could predict possible, Eichi had managed, testing with a few units before inviting the rest of ES as well.

The whimsy of going to space and the endless vast of possibilities have blinded them to the worst-case scenarios that they could have ever taken, lying like a snake in wait before jumping out years... decades later. Eichi's love for idols, so different from Aira's, had turned fanatic and knew no bounds for their preservation, whether they were willing or not.

In hindsight, shouldn't they have questioned the sudden introduction of advanced technology even with their feat of space exploration? Shouldn't they have questioned how everyone, including the rebellious Trickstar and Crazy:B just easily accepted the idea of hibernation and long life technologies that allowed them to live through young for decades on end without even dying? Shouldn't they have found it odd that there were barely any mention of casualties in the newly made robot battles that they had to do in addition to their Lives for some silly scientifc excuse of raging battles and Live excitement intertwining together for the ultimate pleasure?

Some people found out too late, like Crazy:B who left when they had the realization and once again held the rebellious role as in the past, wanting to decry the ES for conspiracy theories hinting at savagery but unlike in the past, it went off... a lot more worse than Rinne could ever imagine. The end result of him being a man solely for revenge, to crave violence instead of communication. How far had he come...

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