2. Birthday Boy

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These days have been the most busy. Our Run BTS episode filming was postponed twice because of the bad weather and yesterday was the only day we could do it. However, it was squeezed between the DNA music video filming and photo shoots. And not counting the photocard note signing we did a few days ago, we've all been basically standing for two weeks. We could only push forward since our comeback was so close.
"Taehyung" I turn to face Namjoon. He's in a bucket hat and is carrying a huge duffel bag. "You remember tomorrow right?" He whispers to me as if there's people around us. We're standing on the side of the BitHit building and all the other members have gone home already for the night.
I nodded and gave a thumbs up. "Yup, Jungkook's birthday. I remember." We both start walking towards our dorm.
"We're surprising him after the second photo shoot right?" I ask.
He hums in agreement.
"Should we Vlive it?" I ask but I knew the answer as soon as the words left my mouth.
"Nah, I think he wants it private." Namjoon said as we crossed the street. "He'll probably vlive it after the surprise though."
We walked in silence until I was struck with a shocking discovery.
"What what?" Namjoon asks with concern on his face when I make the loudest gasp.
"I didn't get a gift!" I say with my hands on my head.
"What'd you get him?"
"Uh some expensive hand cream and cologne." I stare at him mouth agape as I try to think. I don't have time to get a gift tomorrow but nothings open at this hour. My only option is too wake up extremely early but no where will be open at that time either.
"You..okay?" He asks. I only have one option now.
"Yeah uh, you go home first. I need to head somewhere. Bye!" I leave him in the dust and quickly make my way to the only store I know is open right now.

Our schedules took longer than we thought and it was basically dark as finished wrapping up our photoshoot. I rode home with the party planners: Jimin and Namjoon. Jin and Yoongi went in a separate van and finally Jhope rode with Jungkook. The 5 of us will come home earlier than those two and when Jungkook walks in, we flick on the lights, start singing happy birthday and serve him his cake.
"...and the driver said he'd honk when they get back so we know when they're home, which shouldn't be long." Namjoon says.
"That's great" I say, "but just one question. Why are you whispering? He's not here yet and the lights are still on."
I get a little laugh from both Jin and Jimin but then almost on cue, a faint honk is heard from outside. Yoongi peeks out the window to check and he sees two males walking out a black van.
The lights are flicked off. We're all quietly waiting now like little kids. Finally after about 5 minutes, we hear J-hope's loud and very noticeable laughter in the hall.
We hear the door click and Namjoon starts counting us down.
"Three...two...one..." Right on cue Jungkook swings the door open and the lights are flicked back on.
"Happy birthday!" We all say while clapping our hands. Jungkook's expression is like a deer in headlights.
"Oh my god, you guys scared me! Woah and cake?" He says with a huge grin.
We put the cake down onto the counter and start singing happy birthday to him as he and Hoseok take their shoes off.
"Our big baby is now the big two zero!" Jin shouts.
"How'd you guys remember my birthday? Even I forgot." He pulled his beanie off to expose his cherry red hair which actually suited him really well.
I stick in two candles into the white cake which had chocolate lettering on top reading 'happy birthday Jungkook:D'. While the other members are taking up his attention, I light the candles and carry the cake back to the group.
"Happy birthday to you" I start singing and it's not long before everyone else joins in.
"Make a wish!" I say to the birthday boy. We make eye contact and the candles make his gaze shimmer more than usual. I can see the orange glow reflect off his eyes which suddenly became so mesmerizing. The world is silent for a few seconds before Jungkook blows and the candles are emitting a foul scent of smoke. He looks up again with a large smile.
"Jungkook, are you gonna Vlive soon?" Yoongi asks. I turn to put the cake back into the counter and start pulling out the half melted candles.
"Uh, in a bit. I need to do something first and then I will."
"Jungkook, we have gifts for you but we'll give it to you during the live so we can show your reaction to Army." Jimin says and Jungkook gives a thumbs up.
"Okay well," Namjoon claps, "if you're not gonna go live right away. I'm gonna go change into something more comfortable. I'll see you in a bit." After Namjoon said that, everyone else also dispersed into their respective dorms.
I left the cake on the counter since Jungkook mkight need it for his live. I look over to Jungkook and wonder when I should give him my gift.
"Hey Taehyung, I need to talk to you for a second is that okay?" Jungkook says.
I nod and lean against the counter to hear what he has to say.
"No uh, can it be outside? Like, you know that bench behind the building? Yeah, can we go there for a second?" I wonder if it's something serious. His hands are a bit more fidgety than usual and he starts picking at his peach fuzz.
"Sure, of course." I say. We both throw on our jackets but before I head out, I make sure to grab my present.

"Sorry, I couldn't get anything fancy." I said as we sipped on our two dollar beer. "I mean, it tastes a lot better than I thought it would." I said trying to make it sound better but then I remembered what Namjoon had gotten Jungkook and I cringed.
"No it's pretty good. You even got my favorite snack." Jungkook says. I open a bag of potato chips for him and we start munching away. The cold beer was probably not the best thing to drink in Korean autumn weather but it helped de stress from all that work we had this week.
"Anyways, what'd you drag me out here for?" I cut straight to the chase. Jungkook seems like he was trying to avoid the topic although it's the reason we're out here.
I watched his fingers as he fiddled with them, his thumb nail occasionally hitting the can and making a small tink sound. He let out a few deep sighs before setting down the van onto the bench.
"I'll just get this over with," he murmurs, "so, Tae, we're soulmates right?"
I nod but I make sure he recognizes how confused I look.
He breathes out again. "I don't want to hide this from you anymore." He face doesn't look up at me as he speaks. "I am in love with you."

Waiting for u to love me - TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now