chapter 1: a not so normal day

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I woke up. "Oh crap it's Monday" . I overslept. I got my uniform and raced downstairs throwing evrything into my bag before rushing out the door. As I got to school the bell rang and I made my way to class with evryone else. Evryone was coughing and iching there skin. When I got to class nearly evryone had inflamed skin. It was a ghastly sight but I ignored it. Luckily George who sits next to me looked fine. I sat down quickly. "What's wrong with evryone?" I asked. "I don't know but I think it's best to avoid them" he said bluntly. By lunchtime most people's skin were coved in boils and they're eyes were bloodshot. There was a que wich filed out the office of people being picked up by pearents. I was unsettling. After lunch I had English, my favorite lesson. The teacher looked dreadful, his eyes were basically bleeding and his skin was inflamed and coved in boils the coughed and splutted. Near the end of the lesson he stopped talking and grabbed at his chest, he silently screamed as he collapsed. Immediately me and George rushed over to him but by the time we had got to him he was dead. We were sent home early.when I got home the door had been beaten down and trails if mud and blood unevenly coved the floor. I followed the steps to the living room. The tracks stopped. There was no sight of my pearents and my mind started to race with thoughts "had they been kidnapped? Killed? Or both" I started to cry longing for my pearents. Soon I felt a hand on my shoulder "they're gone like mine" said a voice bitterly. I turned around to see George. "How do you know whare I live?" I asked. "I just do" he smiled back. He helped me up and we walked to his house. The door was also broken down and he took me to a door. "Don't be freaked out but..." he opened the door and I saw a person, or what looked to be a person. "This is my sister" introduced george. The bottom of her face was missing exposing her top jaw. Her eyes looked stretched wide. Her arms were slowly decomposing and she was tied to a chair. "What ever happened made her hostile" he remarked. She strained against the rope trying to get free. "Why don't we go to another country?" I suggested. "No all country's closed their borders to us 2 hours ago. "So we're stuck?" I asked. He nodded in reply. "Lets collect suplys" said George. We got 2 backpacks and we filled them with tins and bottles of water. We also found a tutorial on how to make a water filter so George made it while I searched for a torch. Soon we set and set off in search of a safe shelter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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