Season 1, Saga 1: New World, Chapter 1: Chaos Control Freaks

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Season 1, Saga 1: New World, Chapter 1: Chaos Control Freaks

(We go to the castle of the Rainbow Kingdom where everyone is gathered in front of a tarped object with their king floating above it as a little girl with blue hair and a dark blue cat were in the crowd wondering what was under the tarp until their king started an announcement.)

"My loyal citizens, it is with my great honor that I, Rainbow King, introduce our new invention" (points his scepter at the invention as the guards pull the tarp off revealing it.) "the energy amplifier!" Rainbow King said

"An energy amplifier?" (turns to the dark blue cat.) "What do you think it will do, Bartleby?" the blue hair girl asked

"I'm not sure True, but whatever it does, it could help the Rainbow Kingdom." Bartleby said

(True then looked back at the energy amplifier worried about what it would do as Rainbow King started the amplifier up.)

"And now, to power this remarkable invention, you must have good thoughts, it is the only way to power it up." Rainbow King said

(the citizens then closed their eyes and began thinking of good thoughts as Bartleby did the same, but when True closed her eyes, she had a look of worry on her face as she was unable to think of any good thoughts, the energy amplifier then started to show sparks causing Rainbow King and the guards to back away from it.)

"W-what's happening!?" Rainbow King asked in fright

(the energy amplifier then began to glow causing the citizens and guards to run in fear while True was frozen in terror with Bartleby trying to pull her along.)

Bartleby: Come on, True! We have to go!

(but it was no use, True was unable to move as the entire area was covered in a white void, after it ended, True slowly opened her eyes from feeling someone nudge her awake until she saw a blue hedgehog kneeling close to her with a worried look.)

"Hey, you okay kid?" the blue hedgehog asked

"I-I think so." True said (tries to stand up only to fall with the blue hedgehog catching her.)

"Careful." (A truck honks its horn as it moves towards their direction. The hedgehog quickly picked True up into his arms and moves out of the way.) "Woaahhh!" (Another car honks its horn while moving towards them.) "Ugh!" the blue hedgehog yelped

(True and the hedgehog find themselves in the middle of an intersection with traffic continuously honking their horns at them. The hedgehog takes a moment to look around their whereabouts, realizing he and True are at a different location.)

"Where are we? What are they all staring at?" the blue hedgehog asked

"I think they're staring at us." True said

"What is this? Halloween?!" a truck driver asked

(A couple of police officers rushed to the scene.)

"So they can talk..." the blue hedgehog said

"What is that thing?" a police officer asked

"Looks like a big hedgehog." another police officer said

"A blue hedgehog? And who's the kid it's holding?" a police officer asked

"Don't know, but whatever it is, we better get it out of here. Hey, you two. Wanna ride with us down to the station?" another police officer asked

"Should I call for backup?" a police officer asked

"I have three kitty cats at home. I think I can handle this little fella." another police officer said (Imitates kissing sounds)

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