3. Backed Into a Corner (pt. 1)

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"Okay it wasn't that funny, Pattie!" I exclaim as she doubles over in laughter.

I tripped on a branch as we approached her home and apparently it was the funniest thing she's seen all year. Maybe I should take this show on the road.

"It was pretty funny," she says after catching her breath.

I smile softly as I glance over at her.

"I missed your laugh," I whisper as we lock eyes.

Pattie smiles back sadly before speaking.

"I didn't laugh nearly as much without you."

I look away before she can see my eyes tear up. I can't let myself get too attached again. I have to figure out what's going on first. I have to protect my heart this time.

We finish the walk up the long, paved, driveway in silence. There's something off about this house. I can't quite put my finger on it.

"This place doesn't seem like your style. At least not from what I remember," I say.

Pattie hesitates at the door handle, turning to me quickly.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing really, just that your taste has changed. That's not a bad thing. I'm just caught off guard. I always pictured you in a cozy fairytale cottage, like the one you used to tell Justin and I about."

"Oh, right! Yeah, I guess my taste has changed over the years," she says quickly before turning to unlock the door.

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