5. Jelly

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"I swear you two are inseparable," Pattie says with a warm smile as she enters the living room.

I cling to Justin's arm as he scribbles away in his notepad. We look up at his mom from the couch and he speaks first.

"She's the jelly to my peanut butter."

"So does that mean I can call you peanut head?" I ask jokingly.

"Call me anything you like, just don't call me late to dinner," he retorts with a smirk.

Pattie laughs and shakes her head.

"You're lucky Milan calls you at all, goofball."

"Darn right," I say, reaching up to give her a high-five.

Justin rolls his eyes at our antics and continues writing. Pattie and I giggle and she asks what we would like to eat. I tell her I've been craving Raising Cane's since yesterday when someone mentioned it in school. Justin, distracted by the song he's working on, mumbles in agreement.

"Alright kiddos, I'm off to pick up dinner. Mi Mi, you're in charge."

"But I'm the oldest!"Justin complains. 

"Too bad, so sad. Milan, you have my permission to put him in timeout if he acts up."

"Aye aye captain!" I exclaim.

The front door closes and I hear Pattie's car start up.

"Can I ask what you're writing about?" I say turning back to Justin.

"You're my favorite person, Jelly. You can ask me anything."

"So, is that my nickname now?"

"Is the sky blue?"

"Depends on how long you look at it," I say.

Justin laughs wholeheartedly, looking up from his notebook with a smile.


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