Underwater 🩵

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I looked at my phone. Before the quarantine started, I made arrangements with David to stay with him. So it was just me, Laura and David in an apartment. And Hans, who calls me every ten minutes because he's bored.

I hung up the phone and turned my attention to the moving man next to me. "Want to go underwater?" I asked. David frowned. "You know I would love to, but we shouldn't go anywhere, Matteo." I laughed at him. "We'll be alone there. Let's get a veil and everything will be fine." David looked at me in surprise. "Matteo Florenzi, the boy who takes the bus to Hans, wants to walk somewhere?" I smiled at him and kissed his neck instead of answering.

"Stop, we have space between us, two meters ..."

"Stop, we have space between us, two meters ..." I imitated him. "We only break the principles in bed, because we sleep together in one bed."

"That doesn't count." He looked at me and slapped me on the shoulder. I was glad that David had come.

Thanks to him, the boredom was not so unbearable. "What should we do today?" I asked. "Well, let's eat, sleep together, go to bed and play music. Like every day." I'm already bored. "Shall we invent something new?"

"Shall we create our own space underwater?"

Matteo asked. The idea was in my head. I looked at the tempera tubes. "Shall we paint something on the wall?" I handed him a pallet. "David, I'm hungry."

"Then make us sandwiches." I went into the kitchen. Laura was sitting there. Her smile slowly turned to a horrified expression as I put mustard, ketchup, whipped cream, and cucumber on a raw sandwich and happily let it bake. I placed both sandwiches on a plate and opened the door to David's room. I handed him a sandwich and watched as he put the paint on a palette. David started to paint blue on the wall.

"What will it be?" I asked.

"We're underwater." He said.

In fact, in a few hours, our faces actually appeared on the wall. "Are you really painted on the wall? Really? Cool."

"It's not finished yet." He looked at me with a big blue stain on his nose. "You look so ridiculous with that blue nose." He walked over to me. "I tell you, I can do the same if you want."

"No, no, thank you." He looked at me and went back to work.

"I finished it." He said, stepping back from the wall where they were two figures underwater. "Well, it is perfect." I look up at the wall. "What if we break up? Will you repaint it?" David looked at me. "That's not going to happen."

"And now I need your help. We are going to change the flowers here." We went into the kitchen and grabbed some flowers to do the gardening.

We exchanged smiles and gazed at each other. David's room had transformed completely. He playfully held my neck while we were gardening and kissed me under the flowers that adorned my hair. I mimicked him, asking, 'Two meters, correct?' Glancing around, I noticed our faces on the wall, our phones on the bed, and his pictures scattered near the flowers.

We were on the bed together. "You have no idea how much I love your drawings." I said. I watched him get up and go to the closet. He was wearing dirty clothes. First he took off a sweatshirt, then a t-shirt and quickly changed into something new.

"You're wearing my shirt." I said. "I know. It suits me better than you." He laughed and jumped into bed. "Are you sure?" He looked perfect. I tucked him under me. "What about..." I didn't have time to finish because he stopped me. He started to kiss me.

David handed us a blanket. "We forgot to lock one room." David said. "Fuck that, Laura's not coming in." I said and started to undress him. It was different, like the first time. No one was afraid anymore. We both got undressed, and I started to move inside him. The room was filled with his sighs.

"We shouldn't do this." He said.

"David, if I were sick, you would be sick. We sleep in the same bed, together, we eat the same things, we wear the same clothes. It is called collage. We are two people but one mind." I winked.

In the evening we both come into the living room to spend some time with Laura. "You know guys, let's build soundproof walls. Because I can't take this anymore." We looked at each other. "Small room for everyone." I said.


We spent the whole evening playing games with Laura and Matteo. I was so happy to meet him and be with him. It costs us a lot of time, but we are not happy to be closed in a room for weeks, eating sandwiches. I opened an Instagram. I took a picture of our wall underwater and decided to post it on social media.

I'm really glad I have it. Matteo, I'm so happy to have him.

That's our story.

Our underwater quarantine room.

Hello, after a long time, I've decided to fix one of my first one-shots on the topic of David and Matteo from the Druck series, which I wrote in 2020 during the quarantine period.

The story is almost the same, I just fixed grammatical inconsistencies and tweaked the sentence structure a bit, as I didn't want to change anything to keep the charm of the amino from that period and the people who were part of that group all those years ago.

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