Part 2

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To the world , they are siblings who are years apart Haechan is Haemin's not so little brother. People would say " Oh for siblings you don't resemble each other at all " they would fake their smiles and say " oh he got my dad genes i got my mom's, totally understandable " later on they would laugh at how they come up with their family tree , how their childhood was ,how their parents would sing them to sleep or how they fight growing up " It's a funny story " their usual start of their made up childhood stories Haemin was the independent one while Haechan was the one with attachment issues which was one of the things they've agreed to add on their little lies.
But in their own world they are far more than just what they show , they are both orphans taken from South Korea illegally to the Russian Asylum where children are taught how to fight a battle at a young age . There, genders don't matter no matter who they are or how old they are they are trained to fight and win the biggest battles possible to come. There are no such things as big or small , poor or rich everyone is equal and the Rich Slender's who are leaching off of poor people are the biggest enemies to them . They hate the spaces between poor and rich , weak and strong no matter what lives those people have as long as their existence has harmed a handful of the more unfortunate ones they are Enemies .
They are trained and given best educations best trainers and resulted in making assassins like dolls they can control with brainwashed minds who will wipe off those dirt out of this world for them.
If only the approach of their leaders were not so vile none of them would have so much hatred towards the world and human existence.


" I still don't understand why we have to attend college "
" Like we already have those degrees"
" We can work "
Haechan was not having it, it was Monday the sky was clear well...too clear for him
The weather was nice and to him for a Monday it was all too overwhelming
Haemin was packing her bags getting ready for class
Haechan is always like this , she is used to it
And when Tuesday comes he would complain again and say " Tuesday Blues " just because it's a day after Monday and Mondays already tired him out even before the day begins
So the best way to treat his little tantrums is silence and go on with the day with or without him , she doesn't care anyways

• College •
" Haemin-ahhh " the most sunshine person you will ever meet Na Jaemin , comes running to her
They are in a relationship... that's what everyone says and that's what Jaemin has been wanting since the start of college
" Jaemin , Haemin such a cute couple name " he would blush about it
On the other hand Haemin has been considering lately, she can't lie Jaemin is just so damn attractive

" Hi " she gave him a small smile like always
" How was your weekend ? " Jaemin asked as he takes the seat next to her
Nothing much happened during the weekends except that she robbed the biggest museum of all South Korea, she tilted her head with not much thought she replies
" Well... making papa proud " a small satisfaction smile form on her lips
" You really do love your father " Jaemin chuckles
Even if she was asked for a date , she would have told him that her father told her to do this and that and she would go and do it rather than going on a date with a guy she literally sees everyday. Jaemin knew it all too well , that's why he chose to stay close to her and be ready anytime she needed him
" So when is the presentation? "
Jaemin eyes widened with realisation, they were partnered up for a presentation on their recent topic " Criminology " .
" It's okay Haemin-ahhh don't worry you go... i will take care of the presentation and email it to you " the exact words of Jaemin 2 weeks ago the day they were given the work while looking at the eyes of Haemin who was almost late for her part time job . He didn't do the presentation in fact he totally forget about it . And the presentation is today
" This is so embarrassing " he thinks to himself
" We have to go " he suddenly grabbed Haemin by her hands and dragged her out of the college campus 5 minutes before class
"Jaemin slow down " Haemin stops Jaemin from his tracks
She place her hand on her knees while gasping for air
" We could've just use the bus " Haemin looks at Jaemin still gasping for air
" Haemin "
" Yes "
" I don't know where we are ? " Jaemin spoke while looking at his surroundings
" What do you mean ? " Haemin replies as she walks closer to Jaemin
" I'm sorry but i really don't know which part of Seoul is this "
" In that case we can have a stroll around " Haemin smiles

Jaemin liked the idea
No , he loved it
To be able to spend the day with her
Absolutely worth the embarrassment


Note :
This ff will be slow as I am a bit busy with life
Please stick around
I can't guarantee to my readers for a good ff but this idea has been sticking on my brain for the longest time
So here goes nothing but i hope you guys liked it

Love ,
Mwah <3

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