When I complete my goal and manage to do it for you, will I be happy then?

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When I achieved the future I always wanted,
By being with you and achieving that, will I be happy?
Because every time I thought about you, you reminded me,
While I dreamed that I was with you in a field with a poppy.

I want to ride a horse with you in a field full of flowers,
I want to go to Switzerland and see Bern with you,
If you are a Christian, I want to be Christian and marry you in front of two towers,
If you study science, become a scientist and explore the universe for you.

I want to learn to play the piano and play it with you,
Listen to your favorite singers and do it with you,
I want to stay and watch a thousand science fiction movies with you,
And stay with you, stand in front of the abyss.

I want to talk to you for hours, days, and months,
Write you a letter with romance fonts about the thousand ways in which you remind me of the stars,
Just a message from you can give me joy for days,
And a letter from you can cheer me up for months.

We will be two neurodivergents with high capacities,
Or two fools being happy,
Although you are right to question my abilities,
No matter how many tools I use, the dappy yappy fool still being me.

Because I can't become what you want,
I can't be a boxer bag puncher for life,
I can't be a hookah-loving stoner,
A lover of becoming a winner.

Every week six messages,
Four answers every week,
I know you like The Weeknd letters,
I took a look at your stories.

I want to talk to you,
I want to meet you,
I want to stalk you,
I want to be the poet you read and remain.

(I just want to see you again)

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Where stories live. Discover now