chapter 1

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(So, I've decided to start this as something to keep my creative juices I just love I'll be making this story while I think of a new story for scp-049 maybe? Something better. Also every outfit she wears will be in the beginning in that little thing people will put music videos in)
I sat up in haste, breathing quickly as I whipped my head around before stumbling to my feet.
Where am I!?
I keep stepping in circles, trying to remember what happened to me, where I am, and what's going on.
Okay. I need to calm down. I need to relax. Freaking out won't solve anything. I try to slow my breathing as I continue to look around, only with my head now. All I see are trees and trees around me. I look up at a dark grey, hazy sky. What time is it? I blink a few times as I look at the ground at the grass, green... it's just grass. I looked at my feet, pale. So pale. Inhumanly pale. No. Something is off. Why am I so pale? My normal white pale skin is too pale and dull for what it should be. I sat down and looked at my legs. Pale. My hands. Pale. My arms. Pale. Everything. Pale. Pale, pale, pale. I looked back at my hands and noticed my nails were long with some ruggedness to them, dirt under my nails close to my fingers. I cleaned my nails and sighed before staring back up at the trees.
What happened to me? My nails were usually well-kept and never longer than an inch from the bed, always so clean and proper. My hands look dry, so very dry and wrinkly. This isn't how I am normally. I am so well-kept, that I would never allow myself to end up with dry hands. I hug my arms to myself and rub them, a small shiver running down my back as my nervousness freely runs rampant. I need to get up. Need to find where I am. I finally command myself to do so and begin walking through the woods. Slowly. Cautiously. I stop at the edge of it. A village. My village? Quaint place to live, very beautiful and fruitful with passion and labor for all art forms, either physical or not. I begin to head to my house, on the outskirts of town. I stop in front and smile. My home. My safety. I didn't walk in though, it's not the same. Something is... off. My garden isn't there. My plants on the window sill aren't there either... I look on the door.
"Dead witch home, keep out unless you are to be killed like she was." Wrote the note, with what looks to be blood on the door. In my name. "Petal Bethington. Deserves death. The witch is finally dead. All hail Jesus Christ." My eyes widen. What? I take a step back. My neighbors....killed me? They killed me? All the time they let me cook with them, garden with them, sew with them. Everything. And... they killed me? My hands shake as I clutch them into balls. The people I so dearly loved... KILLED ME. I felt my blood boiling. My life, my existence, my everything was taken in an instant because I'm only a WITCH!? I let out a scream, clutching my head feeling like I'm going insane. I charge into my house, trying to find anything of mine. ANYTHING. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing Nothing. Nothing. I run back out, causing an audience to appear. Pale ghostly faces stare at me in shock and fear. I will kill them. I will kill them. Humans like us are meaningless. Ruthless. Heartless. Annoying. PESTS.
"But, she's dead!?" Someone shrieked, causing me to whip around to them. I don't know what happened, all I know is a crack sound coming from them before they fall. They all scream in reaction before more fall. Everyone, every last one of them falls. I never laid a hand on any, yet they're all dead. I fall to the floor in anguish, aggressive tears and sobs raking through my body. Why are humans so heartless? Why are they so horrible? Why? Why? Why? I continue to cry and cry and cry, the only noise leaving me are shaking sobs, between heaving breaths.

~170 years later(2020 or c0v1d)~

I sat on my porch staring at the animals in my barn going on their merry way. Foraging for food or munching on grass. I look down at my dress picking at some perfect little parts, but just merely picking nonetheless. A pleasant life since that unforgettable day. Such a pleasant way to live. I lean back in my chair, staring up at the sky while sighing deeply.
In my 80 years of being alive again. I still have no clue as to why I have been reanimated. Nothing of any clue. It can get quite boring if I don't have this farm. Living the life of this century is something I don't desire. Too stuck on technology and staying indoors. I am too in love with Mother Earth to not pay attention to her.
The sky is still so beautiful. I know humans have been ruining Mother, and I've been trying to keep the population of trees and animals lively in my area, so when any humans arrive... they aren't to stay long. Now. That doesn't mean I won't keep one or two alive to send warnings and tales. Which some work some don't. But over time they'll fully listen... if they're smart enough, but they're humans so... I doubt it. I slowly stand up from my chair, fluently shifting into a stretch with a loud satisfied groan. It's a very beautiful day. I hike up my dress and head out to take a walk. I still dress as when it was the time I was alive. The clothes now are...improper to be nice. Very unfortunate. The beauty of my time for clothes displayed such expression in a well-bred way. I see no reason to flaunt your assets when you're already so beautiful with good manners.
Am I old for thinking such? Oh, most definitely. There are some things I still am stuck in my old ways over. But, for others, I am very happy to be alive to see happen. Like for example, marriage for the same sex? So splendid, I remember having friends who were madly in love but could never show or they'd be stoned. How times have changed? Some good, others bad.... mainly bad. I shrug at my thoughts knowing that's how humans are, unfortunately. I look at my garden, blooming beautifully in the heat. Seasons have become a lot harsher as I've lived longer, but I still try to find joy. I set to water them quickly knowing the sun would dry them too much if not done so.


I've been watching her for what feels like centuries upon centuries. Every move she makes is very interesting. Every time I come back to see any new updates to her life, it's nothing major... but she always looks so pleasantly happy, even when she kills. There is no ounce of anger or shame or ill-tempered thoughts. Just, purely blissfully happy and in peace. Even when she comes back home covered in blood, dragging a mangled dead body behind her, or dragging a captive behind her, she always has a soft smile. She's always at peace. I wonder about her motive for killing. She's not normal with her intent or craving for blood. Even her rituals are gentle, no matter how bloody they are; she moves with grace. Her daggers for nails brush the air in the gentlest ways before she digs her bare hands into a body. Her touch on humans is harsh and tight. Her disdain for humans is apparent within that, but how so? Why so?

May be time to show myself to her soon... soon.

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