#4: It was magic?

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After a few days, Eclipse and Solar were debating on weather to tell Moon about the way they were going to revive Sundrop...Solar suggested that they bring Sun back first, and then tell Moondrop..So it would be a surprise but Eclipse said it would be impossible to get to Sun without Moon's brain.

Moon on the other hand, was down in the lab with Lunar again, where Solar had gotten chased by Corrupted Sundrop. 

He was out just walking in the ashes of what was supposed to be a....

"Testing lab?" Moon said to himself reading a file, after he walked up to a manager's desk

"If this place was supposed to be a testing lab...why is it ashes?" Lunar asked

"What? No..It doesn't work like that...The question is...How is it ashes" moon replied

"Good question.." Lunar started

"What were these humans even testing on? Robots?" he continued

"If they were testing on robots, a reasonable explanation would be that one of their test subjects might have failed and destroyed the lab." Moon said, taking the file and putting it in his bag.

"Eh..That makes sense.." Lunar said in a confused tone

"Hm whats this?" Lunar asked, looking at a wired red buzzer on the wall.

"Don't press that. We don't know what it is and i-" Before Moon could finish, Lunar had already pressed it and a siren had went off, the room had turned black and the only thing lighting it up were Moondrop's red eyes and the glowing stars across his body.

"Are you kidding me?" Moon said, followed by Lunar giggling.

A loud screeching voice could be heard all of the sudden, It was as if someone or something was clawing on the metal walls...

"0h M00n~" A voice said in a singing like tone

"Yep, Thats Sundrop, lets flee" Moon said, grabbing Lunar's wrist and sprinting to the emergency stairs

They rushed to the stairs, but Sun was quick to catch up....

"Great! We bought him to the pizza plex..." Lunar said, panting as they hid in the El chips store at the pizza plex.

Moon was at low battery...and his vision had blurred because of it.

"Moon?" lunar asked, concerned

"Ye@...h?" Moon said in a laggy voice.

"are you okay? Do you need to charge?!" Lunar said in a panicked voice.

"mhm..later th0...I can go another hour..." Moon said, his head tilting a bit as he was on low battery.

Back with Solar and Eclipse's lab...Where Sun was heading to..

"Do you hear that?" Eclipse asked, questioning the loud thud

"Uh huh...What is that?" Solar replied with another question.

The lights went out, and this time since none of the 2 were night animatronics, it was completely dark.

"Hell0 Ecl1pses!" the corrupted animatronic said.

"Oh my- Is that the corrupted abomination you were talking abo-" Eclipse said, but got cut off by Sundrop jumping on him.

"ECLIPSE!" Solar yelled...

"Get off me you...uh- thing!" Eclipse said, and Solar freed him using star power to get the creature off of him.

C.Sun managed to scar Eclipses right eye, and then attacked Solar, cutting off his arms and his vocal cords.

Black oil spilled everywhere as Solar coughed out "r----ru..run Ecl1p3e" he said, and Eclipse sprinted out with the file and prototype.

Solar was on death point, before the corrupted animatronic dissapeared into thin air.

Solar's one remaining eye widened, Sun wasn't corrupted because of a virus...it was magic...It all made sense now! The labs...the experiments...the magic...and who was behind this all....Only Solar knew it...but...

Solar was about to shut down before Eclipse came back in.

"My instrutive thoughts said to save you" Eclipse said, looking around to spot 'sundrop'.

Solar had fainted...and Monty and Eclipse took him back into the spaceship to get him repaired...but it was...to late...

Moon was charging back at El chips and Lunar was throwing a tantrum because he left his candy bag at the tunnels.

"I WANT IT BACCCCKKKK!!!!" Lunar yelled and Moon gritted his teeth.

"We'll get you more candy, JUST SHUT UP!" Moon said.

After 30minutes, Moon finally finished charging and hoped back into the space ship with the tantrum bean.

Moon said Solars lifeless corpse and yelled


"that corrupted brother of yours got to him.." Eclipse replied

"And we couldn't save him in time.." Monty continued.

Moon was left devastated...

"But...I managed to find a way to bring Sundrop back...So thats the plus side!" Eclipse said, trying to lighten the mood.

"We don't know that..ECLIPSE...We're not even sure it'll work!"  Lunar said.

Moon just left to cry, and Lunar and Eclipse began fighting while Monty was trying to calm them down.

Only Solar had the very peice of information that could solve this 'corrupted mystery'...But he was...dead...

"There had to be way to get him back! right..?" Moon said to himself holding back his tears.


"Hmm...That was a close one Earth . We can't let them know about our true intentions..." ?? said in a monotone manner.

"Understood...With Solar out of the way, It'll only be a matter of time before we can get to the others aswell..." Earth replied

"hmm. The Bloodmoon twins, Ves knows about magic and Blood controls it..They can most likely figure out..." ?? replied

"WHAT!? I'm not killing them for your bidding!" Sundrop replied, his hands were chained with magic.

"Well then We'll just have to kill your precious brother." Earth said, giggling.

"..." Sun opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't..

"Besides, We're the ones that make you kill them...You don't do anything yourself now do you?" ?? said.

"but-" Sun was silenced.

"Keep your pretty little mouth to yourself. Or else We'll just have to use force" Earth said.

"Another way would be to spread fights and violence around them, they'll just seperate at one point and we can easily get them...Since Eclipse got Solar's corpse before we could code him, It'll be best to not let any other animatronic slip out of our hands after their dead..." Earth said.

 "Well then, thats your que Earth, go spread some violence :)" ?? said and Earth left.

"Well Sundrop...I can give you some time to see your brother Moondrop if you can bring me Solar's corpse...But you musn't tell Moon anything that could get out of out cover." ?? said

"I-I'll do it...Just don't hurt Moony" Sun said..

[DISCONTINUED] Corruption Falls: Book #2Where stories live. Discover now