The Awakening of my Memory

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I feel like I'm going to explode,
My teeth hurt and my head overthink,
I ask myself what I'm made for,
While a part of me leads my way in thinking.

As I wake up in the middle of trouble,
Round and round about my own anguish,
While I fall fainting from dizziness on a table,
As I die spinning on my own memories, desires and extinguish my wish.

Waking up about to sleep forever after sleeping for more than ten hours,
Belly pain, thirst and need to eat,
Breaking with every step and staggering holding on while drinking liters of water,
But where was I first and doing what?

Remembering the memories,
Getting hooked on the past,
Feeling the losses,
Having to remember what happened before, first of all.

Visions of the beginning,
Marking the beginning of everything,
Being so that I remember,
What really happened in the start of that all.

Awakening my memory,
Losing Alzheimer's,
Forgetting dementia and remembering history,
Going back to past memories and lost stories.

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Where stories live. Discover now