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She made it.

She finally made it.

One by one, she showed them the light, the possibility of change, and they embraced it, proving her dream was possible.

Sir Pentious was first. Then Husk and Angel Dust. Then Niffty. Vaggie. And now him.

He was the last one.

The Radio Demon.

Everybody thought he was an irredeemable monster, a lost cause, and yet, she managed to make him better, despite everyone believing otherwise, proving her point there is good in everyone. She poured every ounce of her being into guiding him toward the path of redemption, breaking down the walls he built around his heart.

And she succeeded.

So why does it hurt so much?

Charlie is standing before the grand entrance of the Hazbin Hotel, a place she dedicated to redeeming souls. Her golden hair loose and fluttering in the wind as she watches Alastor's limbs slowly getting engulfed by holy light.

Alastor looks at his hands bathed in the soft glow with disbelief. He lifts his crimson eyes, usually so full of confidence and mischief, and looks at Charlie.

There is a new emotion etched into his features, a sadness, pain even. But it is not the physical discomfort of the holy light that torments him. The glow is quite warm and pleasant, actually. It is the prospect of bidding farewell to the one person who dared to see beyond the facade of the Radio Demon, who dared to love the broken pieces of his soul.

He doesn't want to leave this place.


He doesn't want to leave her.

Not after everything. Not after she made him open up his heart to her.

Damn it.

He doesn't want to leave and never see her smile again.

The smile that brought him to this forsaken hotel and quickly became his reason to stay. His reason to wake up every morning.

He still remembers their accidental first kiss when she tripped on the stairs and he tried to catch her - a moment of shock that ignited a flame neither could deny.

Then the real kiss after he saved her from the gangsters she naively attempted to recruit into her redemption program.

He remembers the first time he trusted her enough to get naked in front of her.

How she giggled when she saw his tail for the first time, her laughter so infectious that he couldn't help but laugh with her.

And the night that followed.

And the nights after that.

Despite his reservations, despite his aversion to certain physical activities, he would do it for her. He would do anything for her.

He would do anything to keep seeing that smile.

Alastor's eyes remain fixed on Charlie, drinking in her presence as she stands before him in that ethereal white summer dress mirroring the purity of her soul.

He helped her pick that one out on one of their dates. He hoped one day it could have been a wedding dress if he only had the courage to ask her to be his forever. The ring he secretly bought remained untouched in his drawer, Alastor fearing what her answer would be. What if she rejected him? Was he even worthy of her love?

Charlie looks into Alastor's eyes, seeing the deep anguish reflecting her own.

She doesn't want him to leave, but this is no time to be selfish.

Final Farewellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن