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Harry sighed as he went to the potions classroom with his friends. It was the last class of the day, and he was happy about it. He dreaded seeing the dark potion master. For two reasons; one was because he loved the man with all his heart. At first, he thought it was just a crush, but over the years since he came to Hogwarts, it developed, and now that he was in his last year, he knew it was definitely more than a crush. He was in love.

The second was because the man absolutely despised him for what he was. But he understood after seeing the memories of how his father and Godfather treated the dark man. They made him lose his only friend, his mother. He had seen those memories, too, after Dumbledore had forced Snape to give him more lessons in occlumency.

He entered the classroom to see that most of the students were already there. Hermoine and Ron sat together while Harry sat by himself in the back at a table.

Looking around, he saw Draco, Blaise, and Pansy were the only ones not there for Slytherin.

Just then, the door banged open, and Snape strolled in. Harry frowned when he saw an odd look on Snape's face, but it quickly vanished.

"Today, we will be brewing a simple calming potion," Snape said as the chalk started to write the instructions on the blackboard.

Harry watched as Snape sat behind his desk and stared at the wall.

The door opened again, and everyone turned to see Draco, Pansy, and Blaise walking in, covered in glitter and paint.

Pansy and Blaise were cursing, while Draco, the look on his face, made Harry frown.

He looked like he was about to cry but was trying to hold it back. He's never seen that look on the blonde's face before.

The class ended, and Harry slowly packed his stuff as Ron and Hermoine pulled each other out of the room.

Harry sighed. Seeing that, he knew they were going to find an empty classroom to have sex in.

Shaking his head, he made his way out of the classroom, looking back just as the door closed to see Draco hugging Snape.

Making his way to the dining hall, he sat beside the twins, who looked a little down. The three of them had been closed since the twins got their creature inheritance; they were vampires. They had said Harry had a unique smell that they liked, which he found funny.

He had asked them what the rest of their family smelt like, but they just said that they didn't like their smell. They said their scent was sour, unlike Harry's, which was pleasant.

"Are you guys alright?" He asked, frowning.

'Why is everyone so sad today?' He asked himself as the twins shook their heads.

"What's wrong then?" He asked, and the twins looked at each other before nodding. Standing, they motioned for Harry to follow them.

They went to the tower and entered their dorm, seeing as it was empty they could talk freely.

"We made Draco cry," George said simply, and Harry waited for him to continue with a confused look on his face.

"Whenever we pulled pranks on him before, he never cried. He'd always crack a little smile before he stormed off. Seeing him cry, it just. It didn't feel right to us," Fred picked up where his twin left off.

"Well, maybe you should apologize to him," Harry suggested, and the twins frowned.

"Yeah, like that will ever work," They said simultaneously.

"You never know; an apology can go a long way," he said. The door opened, and Ron entered. He had a few hickeys on his neck, his hair was ruffled, and his shirt wasn't buttoned right.

"Oh, um, hi," he said when he saw the three sitting in Harry's bed. "I'm going to take a shower," he said, rushing to the bathroom as the other three rolled their eyes.

Harry shook his head at the door as soon as it closed, not that he wasn't happy for his friends being together and in love, but if they were going to fuck every chance they got, they should at least try not to make it obvious.


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Word count: 689

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 5:30 am

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