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Snape watched as McGonagall left the room. He had overheard her conversation with Dumbledore about someone new coming to the school. He wondered if it was a teacher or a student.

Dumbledore stood, gaining the hall's attention, which fell silent. Just as they fell silent, McGonagall entered with a male walking behind him. Severus's eyes widened as he assumed the younger appearance.

His hair was just past his shoulder and black with a few white streaks going through it. He was lean and toned. Severus could also tell that he was at least two and a half feet taller than him. He could also see that his eyes were steel gray.

The male walked up to the stool and sat down before Dumbledore spoke. "Today, as you can see. We have a new student, Lucian Wolfrick," he heard the old man say before MgGongall placed the hat on his head.

"Lord of Hogwarts," The hat yelled, and everyone in the hall gasped.

"What??" He heard Dumbledore gasping down the table from him as he tried to hide the shock from his face.

"Lord Quarters, sitting where you please," The hat yelled again, and the hall was silent now.

Snape watched as Lucian stood with a grin before handing the hat back to the deputy headmistress and going down to the Slytherin table.

Severus watched Lucian throughout the meal, and a few times, he saw the gray eyes looking right back at him.

When the feast was over, Snape watched as the hall emptied out, and Lucian finally stood and left. Sighing, Snape stood and went through the teacher's exit to the Great Hall. He used a secret passage to his dungeon.

He made his way out of the passage around the corner from his door. Turning around the corner, he saw another portrait across from him. Frowning, he looked at the portrait for a while before entering his room.

Quickly, he made his way to the floo. "Malfoy Malfoy manor," He said before throwing the powder into the fireplace and sticking his head in.

"Hey, Sev," Lucius said a few seconds later. His blonde hair was a mess, and his voice sounded tired.

"What's wrong?" Severus asked, and Lucius frowned.

"I just got home from the office; Narcissa showed up at my office," the platinum blonde said, and Severus rolled his eyes.

"She had the nerve to show up at the ministry?" The raven-haired man asked, shocked that she would even think about going to such a place and causing a scene.

"Yeah, she was talking about...Draco," Lucius mumbled, and Snape sighed.

Lucius and Draco had never had a strong relationship, mostly because of Narcissa and his father. Before his father died when Draco was nine, Lucius would often try to hang out with Draco. But, every time he tried, his father or Narcissa would show up and tell him that it was the elves' job to look after Draco.

When his father did die, there was already a strain on his and Draco's relationship that he barely knew how to speak to him or what he liked. After a while, Draco didn't want to hang out with him.

"I'm sure everything will be fine," Severus reassured.

"I hope Draco hasn't been home since he heard about the divorce," Lucius said, and Severus sighed. "Anyway, why did you call?" the blonde asked.

"Oh, you must tell Tom. There is a new student; he is the lord of Hogwarts." Severus said, and Lucius's eyes widened.

"Lord of Hogwarts? There hasn't been one of those in over a thousand years," Lucius said, and Severus agreed.

"I know, but the hat called it," Severus told him.

"Wow, I'll let him know when I see him," The blonde said.

"Ok, I'll let you go," Severus said, pulling his head out of the fire and falling onto the couch. He removed his robe and hung it over the back of the couch before closing his eyes and dozing off.


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Word count: 639

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 9 am

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