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Tom, Lucius, Severus, Fenrir, and Lucian sat in the office at Malfoy Manor. "So, while you were all over each other, I came up with a plan to get Dumbledore," the red-eyed man said, staring at the two couples before him.

Fenrir had Lucius placed firmly on his lap, while Lucian had an arm wrapped around Severus, who was leaning up against him on his side. "Sorry," Lucian, Lucius, and Severus mumbled.

"No, you're not," Tom chuckled, "So, Fenrir has agreed to lend us some wolves. We will find some way to get into the castle. We will need about thirty wolves, Fenrir. They will cause an alarm, but that's what we need. We need chaos, no one will be focusing on anything because of their fear, we will try to do it at mealtime when they are all in the Great hall, so we have a minimum of students to round up. The teachers, including Dumbledore, will leave to protect the children, and we will wait. We have to try and keep the injuries to a limit; absolutely no students should be harmed if they attack you, stun them. I will have my death eaters practice over Yule. We attack the second week back," Tom informed all of them.

"That's a good plan," Lucius said, "Gives us a little over a month to prepare," He said.

"Until then, I want you all to be careful," Tom said, " Try not to be alone for too long because we don't know what Dumbledore is planning," He sighed and rubbed his temple.

"Are you ok?" Severus asked, sitting up and looking at Tom worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Tom nodded, and Lucius and Severus shared a look.

Lucius stood, walked over to Tom, and took his hand, pulling him out of his chair and dragging him towards the door.

"We'll be right back," Severus said as he went after them.

"So," Fenrir said as he and Lucian were left alone in the office. "You want to go running?" He asked.

"Sure," Lucian answered, and Fenrir grinned as he jumped up and led the younger wolf out of the house and into the garden.

Lucian stretched his arms before his bones started to crack and he shifted. Fenrir looked down at him before a slight smile came on his face. He reached down and ran over Lucian's wings before down his back and then scratching his ears. "You're a good-looking pup," Fenrir said before he shifted.

The older wolf had a gray line down its back and was at least three feet taller than Lucian. The larger wolf made his way over to Lucian and licked his snout, making him huff. Fenrir leaned down and rubbed their heads together before pulling away, lifting his paw, and booped Lucian's nose before turning and jogging towards the forest.

Lucian flapped his wings, before taking off after the bigger wolf. They ran for hours, playing, leaping out each other, logs, and other things in their way. Suddenly, Fenrir paused and raised his nose to the air. He got down low and began to crawl against the ground; he disappeared into the bushes and Lucian heard a roar and rustling before Fenrir came back out of the bush with a deer in its mouth.

He dragged it over to Lucian and dropped it at his feet before using his nose to push the dead animal towards him. Lucian took a bite of the dear meat, after he had eaten a good amount Fenrir grabbed a leg and started to eat.

When they were done, their fur was covered in blood. Fenrir went over to Lucian and licked his face a bit before nodding his head for the younger to follow. They emerged from the forest into a little village, and everyone paused and bowed as they went by, confusing Lucian until a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes approached them.

"Alpha, you're back," He said and Fenrir shifted, "Whose this?" the man asked.

"I told you to stop calling me alpha," Fenrir said, before looking at Lucian, "You can shift, this is my pack," the older man said and Lucian shifted, keeping his wings out.

"Wow, he's hot," the man in front of them said, and Fenrir growled.

"He's my son Gang, and mated," Fenrir said, and the man paled.

"Gross," Gang whined and Lucian raised a brow.

"Got a problem?" He asked, and Fenrir huffed.

"Lucian, meet your cousin, Wolfgang," Fenrir said, and Lucian hummed. "Come on, I'll show you around," He said, resting a hand on Lucian's shoulder and leading him deeper into the pack grounds.

Lucian met so many people he thought he would need name tags. At one point, he got separated from Fenrir when he got distracted by some kids playing with him. Sniffing the air, he picked up his father's scent and approached him.

"So, that's it for me, huh?" He heard Wolfgang ask.

"What do you mean that's it for you?" Fenrir asked, sounding confused.

"You have a kid now, he's going to be the next Alpha, isn't he? You're going to stop training me and I'm going to have to move back in with my parents. You're going to give him my spot as next in line," Wolfgang said and Lucian frowned.

'Is that why he brought me here?' he asked himself.

"What? No, you'll still be the next Alpha. I didn't bring Lucian here to take your place. He has a mate in the wizarding world. I wouldn't let him give that up to rule the pack. I also know he wouldn't want to lead the pack. Besides, I'm not that evil to train you for years to be Alpha and then take that from you. I would make him a beta or an Ambassador if he wanted a role. But not Alpha, that's your spot," Fenrir said, and Lucian gave a small grin.

"Then why did you bring him here?" Wolfgang asked, and Lucian frowned again.

"Well, he has been in the wizarding world for so long, living in his other father's world. I just thought maybe he would like to see my world too. I know it's not as glamorous as the wizarding world, but I kind of hoped he would like it enough to come with me every now and then, I'm just a little scared he won't like it, or me," The older wolf said, and Lucian felt his heart gave a little tug.

"I think I could be convinced to visit once or twice a month," Lucian said, finally making himself known. The two spun around to look at him. "I like it here so far, and I think with time and us spending more time together, I would love you as a father," he said, and Fenrir gave him a huge grin.

"I think that could work," He said, before looking behind Lucian. "Well, hello what are you doing here?" He asked and Lucian looked down to see a toddler no older than three looking up at him, he recognized him as one of the orphans he was playing with earlier.

"I go, wif angel," He said before grabbing the edge of Lucian's wing.

"What's your name?" Lucian asked, kneeling and picking up the toddler, who wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Logan," The small child said.

"Come. We will join the pack for dinner before heading to bed. We can head back in the morning," Fenrir said, leading the group towards the pack house. 


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Word count: 1219

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 2 pm

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